Isaiah 21:5-12

Matthew(i) 5 Yea sone make ready the table (sayde this voyce) kepe the watch, eate & dryncke. Vp ye Captaynes, take you to youre shild, 6 for thus the Lorde hath charged me: go thy waye, and set a watche man, that he may tel what he seith. 7 And when he had wayted dylygentlye, he sawe two horsemen: the one rydynge vpon an Asse, the other vpon a Camel. 8 And the lyon cryed: Lorde, I haue stande waytynge all the whole daye, and haue kepte my watch all the night. 9 Wyth that came there one rydinge vpon a charet, whyche answered, and sayde: Babilon is fallen, she is turned vp syde doune and al the ymages of her Godes are smytten to the grounde. 10 This (O my felowe thresshers and fanners) haue I hearde of the Lorde of Hostes the God of Israel, to shewe it vnto you. 11 The heauy burthen of Duma. One of Seir cryed vnto me: Watche man what hast thou espyed by nyght, whatcheman what hast thou espyed by nyght. 12 The watchman answered: The daye breaketh on, and the nyght is commyng: Yf youre request be earnest, then aske and come agayne.