Hebrews 9:2-14

Matthew(i) 2 For there was a fore tabernacle made, wherein was the candelstycke and the table, & the shewe bread which is called holye. 3 But wythin the second vayle was there a tabernacle, whiche is called holyeste of all 4 whiche had the golden senser, and the arcke of the testament ouerlayde roundabout wyth gold, wherein was the golden pot with manna, and Aarons rodde that sprong, and the tables of the testament. 5 Ouer the arcke were the cherubes of glorye shadowynge the seate of grace. Of whiche thynges we wyll not nowe speake perticularlye. 6 When these thynges were thus ordeyned the priestes wente alwayes into the tabernacle and executed the seruyce of God. 7 But into the seconde wente the hye priest alone, once euerye yeare, and not wythout bloude, whiche he offered for hym selfe, and for the ignoraunce of the people. 8 Wherewith the holy ghost this signifyinge, that the waye of holy thynges, was not yet oppened, whyle as yet the fyrst tabernacle was standynge. 9 Whyche was a simylytude for the tyme then present, and in whyche were offered gyftes and sacrifices that coulde not make the mynyster perfecte, as pertaynynge to the conscience, 10 wyth onelye meates and drynkes and dyuers washynges and iustifiynges of the fleshe, whyche were ordeyned vntyll the tyme of reformacyon. 11 But Christe beynge an hye prieste of good thynges to come, came by a greater & a more perfecte tabernacle, not made wyth handes: that is to saye, not of thys maner buyldynge, 12 neyther by the bloude of gotes and calues, but by hys owne bloude he entred once for al into the holye place, and founde eternal redempcyon. 13 For yf the bloude of oxen and of gotes and the ashes of an heyfer, when it was sprinkled, puryfyed the vncleane, as touchyng the puryfiynge of the fleshe: 14 Howe muche more shall the bloude of Christe (which thorow the eternall spyryte offred hym selfe without spot to God) pourge youre conscyences from dead workes, for to serue the lyuyng God?