2 For there was a fore tabernacle made, wherein was the candelstycke and the table, & the shewe bread which is called holye.
Hebrews 9:2 Cross References - Matthew
Exodus 25:8-9
Exodus 25:23-26:30
23 Thou shalt also make a table of sethym wood of two cubytes longe and one cubyte brode and a cubyte and an halfe hye.
24 And couer it with pure golde and make there to a croune of golde rounde aboute.
25 And make vnto that an whope of .iiij. fyngers brode, round about. And make a golden croune also to the whope rounde about.
26 And make for it .iiij. ringes of golde and put them in the corners that are on the .iiij. fete therof:
27 euen hard vnder the whope shal the ringes be, to putte in staues to bere the table withall.
28 And thou shalt make staues of Sethim wood & ouerlaye them with golde, that the table maye be borne with them.
29 And thou shalt make his disshes, spones, pottes & flat peces to poure out withall, of fyne golde.
30 And thou shalte sette vppon the table, shewbreade before me allwaye.
Exodus 26:23-30
23 & two bordes mo for the two west corners of the habitacyon:
24 so that these two bordes be coupled together beneth and lykewyse aboue with clampes. And so shall it be in both the corners.
25 And so ther shal be .viij. bordes in al & .xvi. sockettes of syluer .ij. sockettes vnder euery bord.
26 And thou shalt make barres of sethim wood fyue for the bordes of the one syde of the tabernacle, & fyue for the other syde,
27 and fyue for the bordes of the west ende.
28 And the mydle barre shall goo alonge thorowe the myddes of the bordes and bar them together from the one ende vnto the other.
29 And thou shalte couer the bordes with golde and make golden rynges for them to put the barres thorowe, and shalt couer the barres wyth golde also.
30 And rere vp the habytacyon accordynge to the facyon thereof that was shewed the in the mounte.
Exodus 26:33
33 And thou shalt hange vp the vayle with rynges, & shalt brynge in within the vayle, the arke of witnes. And the vayle shal deuide the holy from the most holye.
Exodus 26:35
35 And thou shalt put the table without the vail and candelsticke ouer agaynst the table vpon the south side of the habitacion. And put the table on the north syde.
Exodus 29:1
1 This is the thing that thou shalt do vnto them when thou halowest theym to be my priestes. Take one oxe & two rammes that are without blemysh,
Exodus 29:35
35 And se thou do vnto Aaron and his sonnes, euen so in al thinges as I haue commaunded the: that thou fyll their handes seuen dayes
Exodus 36:8-38
8 And al the wyse herted men among them that wroughte in the worcke of the habytacion made: euen .x. cortaines of twined bisse, Iacyncte, scarlet, and purple, and made them full of Cherubyns wt brodered worke.
9 The lengthe of one curtayne was .xxviij. cubites and the breadth .iiij. and were all of one syse.
10 And they coupled .v. curtaynes by them selues, and other fiue by them selues.
11 And they made fyftye louppes of Iacynte alonge by the edge of the vtmoste curtayne: euen in the seluege of the couplyng curtayne.
12 And lykewyse they made on the syde of the vtmooste couplynge curtayne on the other syde, fiftye loupes they made in the one curtayne, and fyfty in the edge of the couplynge curtayne on the otherside: so that the loupes were one ouer agaynst another.
13 And they made fifty rynges of gold, and coupled the curtaynes one to an other wyth the rynges: and so was it made a dwellynge place.
14 And they made a .xi. curtaynes of gotes heer to be a tent ouer the tabernacle
15 thyrtye cubites longe a pece, and .iiij. cubytes brode, & they all leauen of one cise.
16 And the coupled .v. by them selues, and .vi. by them selues,
17 and they made fyftye loupes alonge by the border of the vtmooste couplyng curtayne on the one side, and fyfty in the edge of the couplynge curtayne on the other syde.
18 And they made fyftye rynges of brasse to couple the tent togyther that it myght be one.
19 And they made a couerynge vnto the tent of rammes skynnes red, and yet an other of taxus skynnes aboue al.
20 And they made bordes for the dwellynge place of sethim wod that stode vpright
21 eueri borde .x. cubites longe & a cubyte & an halfe brode.
22 And they made .ij. fete to euery borde of the dwellinge place ioynynge one to another.
23 And they made .xx. bordes for the south syde of the habitation,
24 & .xl. sockettes of syluer vnder the .xx. bordes .ij. sockettes vnder euery borde, euen for the .ij. fete of them.
25 And for the other syde of the dwellynge towarde the north, they made other .xx. bordes
26 wyth .xl. sockettes of siluer .ij. sockettes vnder euery borde.
27 And be hynde in the ende of the tabernacle towarde they weste, the made syxe boordes,
28 and two other boordes for the corners of the habitation behynde,
29 & they were ioyned closse boeth beneth and also aboue wyth clampes and thus they dyd to both the corners:
30 so they were in al eyght bordes and .xvi. sockettes, vnder euerye boorde two sockettes.
31 And they made barres of Sethim wod .v. for the bordes of the one syde of the habitation,
32 & .v. for the other, & fyue for the bordes on the west ende of the habitation.
33 And they made the myddle barre to shote thorowe the bordes: euen from the one ende to the other,
34 and ouerlayd the bordes wyth gold, & made them rings of gold to thrust the barrs thorow, and couered the barres wyth gold.
35 And they made an hanging of Iacinct, of scarlet, purple, & twyned bysse with Cherubins of brodered worke.
36 And made therunto .iiij. pillers of Sithim wod, & ouerlaid them with gold. Their knoppes were also of gold, & thei cast for them .iiij. sockets of siluer.
37 And they made an hangyng for the tabernacle dore: of Iacincte, scarlet, purple, & twined bisse of nedle worcke,
38 & the pyllers of it were fiue wt theyr knoppes, and ouerlayed the heades of them and the whooppes with golde, with their .v. sockettes of brasse.
Exodus 37:10-24
10 And he made the table of sethim wood two cubytes longe and a cubyte brode, and a cubyte and a halfe hyghe,
11 and ouerlayd it with fyne golden, & made therto a crowne of golde rounde aboute,
12 and made therto an whope of an hande brede rounde aboute, and made vnto the whope a crowne of golde rounde aboute,
13 and cast for it .iiij. rynges of golde & put the rynges in the .iiij. corners by the fete:
14 euen vnder the whope to put staues in to beare the table with al.
15 And he made staues of Sethim wood and couered them wyth golde to beare the table with al,
16 and made the vessels that were on the table of pure gold, the dysshes spones, flatpeces & pottes to poure wyth al.
17 And he made the candelstick of pure thicke golde: bothe the candelstycke and hys shaft: with braunces, boles, knoppes and floures procedyng out of it.
18 Sixe braunches procedynge out of the sydes therof .iij. oute of the one syde, & .iij. out of the other.
19 And on euery braunche were .iij. cuppes like vnto almondes with knoppes & floures thorow out the syxe braunches that proceded out of the candelstycke.
20 And vpon the candelstycke selfe were .iiij. cuppes after the facyon of almondes wyth knoppes & floures:
21 vnder euery two braunches a knoppe.
22 And the knoppes & the braunches proceded out of it, and were alone pece of pure thycke golde.
23 And he made seuen lampes therto, and the snoffers therof, and fyre pannes of pure golde.
24 An hundred weyght of pure golde, made bothe it and all that belonged therto.
Exodus 39:32-34
32 Thus was al the worke of the habitacion of the tabernacle of witnesse fynysshed. And the chyldren of Israel dyd accordynge to all that the Lorde had commaunded Moses.
33 And they brought the habitacion vnto Moses: the tent and al his apparel therof: the buttones, boordes, barres, pillers & sockettes:
34 and the couerynge of rams skynnes red, & the coueryng of taxus skynnes, & the hangyng vayle,
Exodus 39:36-38
Exodus 40:2
2 In the fyrst daye of the fyrst moneth shalt thou sett vp the habitacion of the tabernacle of wytnesse
Exodus 40:4
4 and brynge in the table & apparell it, and brynge in the candelstycke and putte on hys lampes,
Exodus 40:18-20
18 And Moses reared vp the tabernacle & fastened his sockettes, and set vp the bordes and put in their barres, & reared vp the pyllers,
19 & spred abrod the tent ouer the habitation, and put the coueringe of the tente an hye aboue it: as the lord commaunded Moses.
20 And he toke and put the testimony in the arcke, and set the staues to the arcke, & putte the mercy seate an hye vppon the arcke,
Exodus 40:22-24
22 And he put the table in the tabernacle of wytnesse in the north side of the habitation wythout the vayle,
23 and set the bread in ordre before the Lord, euen as the Lord had commaunded Moses.
24 And he put the candelsticke in the tabernacle of wytnes ouer agaynste the table in the south syde of the habitation,
Leviticus 24:5-8
5 And thou shalt take fyne floure and bake .xij. wastels thereof, two tenthdeales shall euery wastell be.
6 And make two rowes of them, sixe on a rowe vpon the pure table before the Lorde,
7 and putte pure frankencens vpon the rowes. And it shalbe bread of remembraunce, & an offeryng vnto the Lord.
8 Euery Saboth he shall put theym in rowes before the Lorde euermore, geuen of the children of Israel, that it be an euerlastyng couenaunt.