Exodus 14:19-22

Matthew(i) 19 And the angell of God which went before the hoste of Israel, remoued & went behynde them. And the clouden pyler that was before them remoued & stode behinde them and 20 went betwene the hoste of the Egypcians & the host of Israel. It was a darke clowde, and gaue lyghte by nyghte: so that all the nyghte long the one coulde not come at the other. 21 When now Moses stretched forth hys hande ouer the sea, the Lorde caryed awaye the sea wt a stronge east wynde that blewe all nyghte, & made the sea drye land and the water deuyded it selfe. 22 And the chyldren of Israel went in thorow the myddest of the sea vpon the drye ground. And the water was a walle vnto them, both on their ryghthand & on their lefte hande.