19 And the angell of God which went before the hoste of Israel, remoued & went behynde them. And the clouden pyler that was before them remoued & stode behinde them and
Exodus 14:19 Cross References - Matthew
Exodus 13:21-22
Exodus 14:24
24 And in the mornynge watch, the Lorde loked vnto the hoste of the Egyptians out of the fiery and clowdy pyller, and troubled their hoste
Exodus 23:20-21
Exodus 32:34
34 But go & bryng the people vnto the land which I sayd vnto the: behold, myne angel shall go before the. Neuerthelater in the daye when I vyset. I wyll vyset their synne vpon them.
Numbers 20:16
16 Then we cried vnto the Lorde and he hearde oure voyces, and sent an angell & hath fet vs oute of Egypte. And beholde, we are in Cades a city harde by the borders of thy contry
Isaiah 63:9
9 In their troubles he forsoke them not, but the aungel that went forthe from his presence delyuered them. Of very loue & kindnesse that he had vnto them, redemed he them. He hath borne them, and caryed them vp euer, sence the worlde beganne.