39 And Sadock the priest toke an horne of oyle out of the tabernacle and anoynted Salomon. And they blewe a trompet, and all they sayde: God saue king Salomon.
40 And all the people came vp after hym pyppynge wyth pypes and reioysinge greatly, so that the earth range with the sounde of them.
41 And Adoniah and all the gestes that were with him, hearde it euen as they had made an ende of eatynge. And when Ioab hearde the sounde of the trompet, he said: how happeneth it that there is suche a noyse in the cytye?
42 And as he yet spake, se, Ionathas the sonne of Abiathar the priest came. And Adoniah said: come. for thou arte a lustye bloude, and bryngest good tydynges.
43 And Ionathas answered & sayde to Adoniah: Verely oure Lorde kynge Dauid hath made Salomon kynge.
44 And the kynge sent with him Sadock the prieste and Nathan the prophet: and Banaiah the sonne of Iehoiada and the Cerethites and the Phelethites, and they haue set hym vpon the kinges Mule.
45 And Sadock the pryeste and Nathan the Prophet haue anoynted him kynge in Gihon. And as they came vp againe, they reioysed that the citie did sounde againe. And that is the noise that ye haue hearde.
46 And therto Salomon sitteth on the seate of the kyngedome.
47 And moreouer the kynges seruauntes went in to blesse oure Lorde Kynge Dauid sayinge: thy God make the name of Salomon more fauoure then thyne, and hys seate more gloriouse then thyne. And the king bowed him selfe vpon the bede.
48 And last of all thus sayde the kinge: blessed be the Lorde God of Israel whiche hath made one to sytte on my seate thys daye, euen myne eyes seinge it.
49 And al the gestes that were with Adoniah were afrayed and rose vp and went euery man his waye.
50 And Adoniah fearinge Salomon, arose and went and caught holde on the hornes of the aultare.
51 And it was tolde Salomon howe that Adoniah for feare of kinge Salomon hathe caught hantfast by the hornes of the aultare sayinge: let kyng Salomon swere vnto my this daie, that he wyll not sley hys seruaunt with the swerd.
52 And Salomon said: yf he wylbe a childe of vertue, there shal not an heere of him fal to the earth. But and yf wyckednesse shalbe founde in him, he shal dye for it.
53 And thervpon kynge Salomon sent and fet hym doune from the aultare. And he came and dyd obeisannce vnto kynge Salomon. And Salomon sayde to hym: get the to thyne house.
2 1 When the dayes of Dauid were draune nye, that he should dye, he charged Salomon his sonne sayinge:
2 I must walke by the way of all the world, neuerthelater be thou strong and quyte thy self manfully,
3 and se that thou kepe thy appointment of the Lorde thy God, that thou walke in his waies and kepe his commaundementes, ordinaunce, lawes and testimonies, euen as it is written in the law of Moses: that thou mayest vnderstand al that thou oughtest to do, and al that thou shouldest medyll wyth.
4 That the Lorde maye make good his promesse whiche he hath promised me sayinge: yf thy children shal take heede to their wayes, that they walke before me in truthe, with all their hertes and with al their soules, then thou shalt neuer be without one syttynge on the seate of Israell.