Matthew 15:2-9

Living_Oracles(i) 2 Why do your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders; for they was not their hands before meals. 3 Jesus answering, said to them, Why do you yourselves by your tradition, transgress the commandment of God? 4 For God has commanded, saying, "Honor father and mother"; and "Whosoever reviles father or mother, let him be punished with death." 5 But you affirm, If a man say to father or mother, I devote whatever of mine shall profit you, 6 he shall not afterward honor by his assistance, his father or his mother. Thus, by your tradition, you annul the commandment of God. 7 Hypocrites, well do you suit the character which Isaiah gave of you, saying, 8 "This people honor me with their lips. though their heart is estranged from me. 9 But in vain they worship me, while they teach institutions merely human."