Acts 2:25-26

  25 G1063 For G1138 David G3004 speaketh [G5719]   G1519 concerning G846 him G4308 , I foresaw [G5710]   G2962 the Lord G1223 always G3956   G1799 before G3450 my G3754 face, for G2076 he is [G5748]   G1537 on G3450 my G1188 right hand G3363 , that G4531 I should G3363 not G4531 be moved [G5686]  :
  26 G1223 Therefore G5124   G2165 did G3450 my G2588 heart G2165 rejoice [G5681]   G2532 , and G3450 my G1100 tongue G21 was glad [G5662]   G1161 ; moreover G2089   G2532 also G3450 my G4561 flesh G2681 shall rest [G5692]   G1909 in G1680 hope: