Romans 2:18-21

  18 G2532 And G1097 knowest [G5719]   G2307 his will G2532 , and G1381 approvest [G5719]   G1308 the things that are more excellent [G5723]   G2727 , being instructed [G5746]   G1537 out of G3551 the law;
  19 G5037 And G3982 art confident [G5754]   G4572 that thou thyself G1511 art [G5750]   G3595 a guide G5185 of the blind G5457 , a light G1722 of them which are in G4655 darkness,
  20 G3810 An instructor G878 of the foolish G1320 , a teacher G3516 of babes G2192 , which hast [G5723]   G3446 the form G1108 of knowledge G2532 and G225 of the truth G1722 in G3551 the law.
  21 G3767 Thou therefore G3588 which G1321 teachest [G5723]   G2087 another G1321 , teachest thou [G5719]   G3756 not G4572 thyself G2784 ? thou that preachest [G5723]   G2813 a man should G3361 not G2813 steal [G5721]   G2813 , dost thou steal [G5719]  ?
  18 G2532 και And G1097 (G5719) γινωσκεις Knowest G3588 το The G2307 θελημα Will, G2532 και And G1381 (G5719) δοκιμαζεις Approvest G3588 τα The Things G1308 (G5723) διαφεροντα That Are More Excellent, G2727 (G5746) κατηχουμενος Being Instructed G1537 εκ Out Of G3588 του The G3551 νομου Law;
  19 G3982 (G5754) πεποιθας And Art Persuaded G5037 τε "that" G4572 σεαυτον Thyself G3595 οδηγον A Guide G1511 (G5750) ειναι Art Of G5185 τυφλων "the" Blind G5457 φως A Light G3588 των Of Those G1722 εν In G4655 σκοτει Darkness,
  20 G3810 παιδευτην An Instructor Of G878 αφρονων "the" Foolish, G1320 διδασκαλον A Teacher G3516 νηπιων Of Infants, G2192 (G5723) εχοντα Having G3588 την The G3446 μορφωσιν Form G3588 της Of G1108 γνωσεως Knowledge G2532 και And G3588 της Of The G225 αληθειας Truth G1722 εν In G3588 τω The G3551 νομω Law :
  21 G3588 ο Thou G3767 ουν Then That G1321 (G5723) διδασκων Teachest G2087 ετερον Another, G4572 σεαυτον Thyself G3756 ου Not G1321 (G5719) διδασκεις Dost Thou Teach? G3588 ο Thou That G2784 (G5723) κηρυσσων Proclaimest G3361 μη Not G2813 (G5721) κλεπτειν To Steal, G2813 (G5719) κλεπτεις Dost Thou Steal?