Matthew 23:2-5

  2 G3004 Saying [G5723]   G1122 , The scribes G2532 and G5330 the Pharisees G2523 sit [G5656]   G1909 in G3475 Moses G2515 ' seat:
  3 G3956 All G3767 therefore G302 whatsoever G3745   G2036 they bid [G5632]   G5213 you G5083 observe [G5721]   G5083 , that observe [G5720]   G2532 and G4160 do [G5720]   G1161 ; but G4160 do [G5720]   G3361 not G2596 ye after G846 their G2041 works G1063 : for G3004 they say [G5719]   G2532 , and G4160 do [G5719]   G3756 not.
  4 G1063 For G1195 they bind [G5719]   G926 heavy G5413 burdens G2532 and G1419 grievous to be borne G2532 , and G2007 lay [G5719]   G1909 them on G444 men's G5606 shoulders G1161 ; but G2309 they themselves will [G5719]   G3756 not G2795 move [G5658]   G846 them G846 with one of their G1147 fingers.
  5 G1161 But G3956 all G846 their G2041 works G4160 they do [G5719]   G4314 for G2300 to be seen [G5683]   G444 of men G1161 : G4115 they make broad [G5719]   G846 their G5440 phylacteries G2532 , and G3170 enlarge [G5719]   G2899 the borders G846 of their G2440 garments,
  2 G3004 (G5723) λεγων Saying, G1909 επι On G3588 της The G3475 μωσεως Of Moses G2515 καθεδρας Seat G2523 (G5656) εκαθισαν Have Sat Down G3588 οι The G1122 γραμματεις Scribes G2532 και And G3588 οι The G5330 φαρισαιοι Pharisees;
  3 G3956 παντα All Things G3767 ουν Therefore G3745 οσα   G302 αν Whatever G2036 (G5632) ειπωσιν They May Tell G5213 υμιν You G5083 (G5721) τηρειν To Keep, G5083 (G5720) τηρειτε Keep G2532 και And G4160 (G5720) ποιειτε Do. G2596 κατα   G1161 δε   G3588 τα But After G2041 εργα   G846 αυτων   G3361 μη Their Works G4160 (G5720) ποιειτε Do Not; G3004 (G5719) λεγουσιν   G1063 γαρ For They Say G2532 και   G3756 ου And G4160 (G5719) ποιουσιν Do Not.
  4 G1195 (G5719) δεσμευουσιν They Bind G1063 γαρ For G5413 φορτια Burdens G926 βαρεα Heavy G2532 και And G1419 δυσβαστακτα Hard To Bear, G2532 και And G2007 (G5719) επιτιθεασιν Lay "them" G1909 επι On G3588 τους The G5606 ωμους   G3588 των Shoulders G444 ανθρωπων   G3588 τω Of Men, G1161 δε But With G1147 δακτυλω   G846 αυτων   G3756 ου Their Own Finger G2309 (G5719) θελουσιν They Will Not G2795 (G5658) κινησαι Move G846 αυτα Them.
  5 G3956 παντα   G1161 δε   G3588 τα And All G2041 εργα   G846 αυτων Their Works G4160 (G5719) ποιουσιν They Do G4314 προς   G3588 το To G2300 (G5683) θεαθηναι   G3588 τοις Be Seen G444 ανθρωποις By Men. G4115 (G5719) πλατυνουσιν They Make Broad G1161 δε   G3588 τα And G5440 φυλακτηρια Phylacteries G846 αυτων Their, G2532 και And G3170 (G5719) μεγαλυνουσιν Enlarge G3588 τα The G2899 κρασπεδα   G3588 των Borders G2440 ιματιων   G846 αυτων Of Their Garments,