Mark 10:23-25

  23 G2532 And G2424 Jesus G4017 looked round about [G5671]   G3004 , and saith [G5719]   G846 unto his G3101 disciples G4459 , How G1423 hardly G2192 shall they that have [G5723]   G5536 riches G1525 enter [G5695]   G1519 into G932 the kingdom G2316 of God!
  24 G1161 And G3101 the disciples G2284 were astonished [G5712]   G1909 at G846 his G3056 words G1161 . But G2424 Jesus G611 answereth [G5679]   G3825 again G3004 , and saith [G5719]   G846 unto them G5043 , Children G4459 , how G1422 hard G2076 is it [G5748]   G3982 for them that trust [G5756]   G1909 in G5536 riches G1525 to enter [G5629]   G1519 into G932 the kingdom G2316 of God!
  25 G2076 It is [G5748]   G2123 easier G2574 for a camel G1525 to go [G5629]   [G5625]   G1330   [G5629]   G1223 through G5168 the eye G4476 of a needle G2228 , than G4145 for a rich man G1525 to enter [G5629]   G1519 into G932 the kingdom G2316 of God.
  23 G2532 και And G4017 (G5671) περιβλεψαμενος   G3588 ο Looking Around G2424 ιησους Jesus G3004 (G5719) λεγει   G3588 τοις Says G3101 μαθηταις   G846 αυτου To His Disciples, G4459 πως How G1423 δυσκολως Difficultly G3588 οι   G3588 τα Those G5536 χρηματα Riches G2192 (G5723) εχοντες Having G1519 εις Into G3588 την The G932 βασιλειαν   G3588 του Kingdom G2316 θεου Of God G1525 (G5695) εισελευσονται Shall Enter!
  24 G3588 οι   G1161 δε And The G3101 μαθηται Disciples G2284 (G5712) εθαμβουντο Were Astonished G1909 επι   G3588 τοις At G3056 λογοις   G846 αυτου   G3588 ο His Words. G1161 δε And G2424 ιησους Jesus G3825 παλιν Again G611 (G5679) αποκριθεις Answering G3004 (G5719) λεγει Says G846 αυτοις To Them, G5043 τεκνα Children, G4459 πως How G1422 δυσκολον Difficult G2076 (G5748) εστιν It Is "for" G3588 τους Those Who G3982 (G5756) πεποιθοτας Trust G1909 επι   G3588 τοις In G5536 χρημασιν Riches G1519 εις Into G3588 την The G932 βασιλειαν   G3588 του Kingdom G2316 θεου Of God G1525 (G5629) εισελθειν To Enter!
  25 G2123 ευκοπωτερον Easier G2076 (G5748) εστιν It Is "for" G2574 καμηλον A Camel G1223 δια Through G3588 της The G5168 τρυμαλιας Eye G3588 της Of The G4476 ραφιδος Needle G1525 (G5629) εισελθειν To Pass, G2228 η Than "for" G4145 πλουσιον A Rich Man G1519 εις Into G3588 την The G932 βασιλειαν   G3588 του Kingdom G2316 θεου Of God G1525 (G5629) εισελθειν To Enter.