Acts 6:3-6

  3 G3767 Wherefore G80 , brethren G1980 , look ye out [G5663]   G1537 among G5216 you G2033 seven G435 men G3140 of honest report [G5746]   G4134 , full G40 of the Holy G4151 Ghost G2532 and G4678 wisdom G3739 , whom G2525 we may appoint [G5692]   G1909 over G5026 this G5532 business.
  4 G1161 But G2249 we G4342 will give ourselves continually [G5692]   G4335 to prayer G2532 , and G1248 to the ministry G3056 of the word.
  5 G2532 And G3056 the saying G700 pleased [G5656]   G1799   G3956 the whole G4128 multitude G2532 : and G1586 they chose [G5668]   G4736 Stephen G435 , a man G4134 full G4102 of faith G2532 and G40 of the Holy G4151 Ghost G2532 , and G5376 Philip G2532 , and G4402 Prochorus G2532 , and G3527 Nicanor G2532 , and G5096 Timon G2532 , and G3937 Parmenas G2532 , and G3532 Nicolas G4339 a proselyte G491 of Antioch:
  6 G3739 Whom G2476 they set [G5627]   G1799 before G652 the apostles G2532 : and G4336 when they had prayed [G5666]   G2007 , they laid G5495 their hands G2007 on [G5656]   G846 them.
  3 G1980 (G5663) επισκεψασθε Look Out G3767 ουν Therefore, G80 αδελφοι Brethren, G435 ανδρας Men G1537 εξ From Among G5216 υμων Yourselves, G3140 (G5746) μαρτυρουμενους Born Witness To G2033 επτα Seven, G4134 πληρεις Full G4151 πνευματος Of "the" Spirit G40 αγιου Holy G2532 και And G4678 σοφιας Wisdom, G3739 ους Whom G2525 (G5692) καταστησομεν We Will Appoint G1909 επι   G3588 της Over G5532 χρειας This G3778 ταυτης Business;
  4 G2249 ημεις   G1161 δε But We G3588 τη To G4335 προσευχη Prayer G2532 και And G3588 τη The G1248 διακονια Ministry G3588 του Of The G3056 λογου Word G4342 (G5692) προσκαρτερησομεν Will Steadfastly Continue.
  5 G2532 και And G700 (G5656) ηρεσεν Was Pleasing G3588 ο The G3056 λογος Saying G1799 ενωπιον Before G3956 παντος All G3588 του The G4128 πληθους Multitude; G2532 και And G1586 (G5668) εξελεξαντο They Chose G4736 στεφανον Stephen, G435 ανδρα A Man G4134 πληρη Full G4102 πιστεως Of Faith G2532 και And "the" G4151 πνευματος Spirit G40 αγιου Holy, G2532 και And G5376 φιλιππον Philip, G2532 και And G4402 προχορον Prochorus, G2532 και And G3527 νικανορα Nicanor, G2532 και And G5096 τιμωνα Timon, G2532 και And G3937 παρμεναν Parmenas, G2532 και And G3532 νικολαον Nicolas G4339 προσηλυτον A Proselyte G491 αντιοχεα Of Antioch,
  6 G3739 ους Whom G2476 (G5627) εστησαν They Set G1799 ενωπιον Before G3588 των The G652 αποστολων Apostles; G2532 και And G4336 (G5666) προσευξαμενοι Having Prayed G2007 (G5656) επεθηκαν They Laid G846 αυτοις   G3588 τας On Them G5495 χειρας Hands.