1 Corinthians 15:14-18

  14 G1161 And G1487 if G5547 Christ G1453 be G3756 not G1453 risen [G5769]   G686 , then G2257 is our G2782 preaching G2756 vain G2532 , and G5216 your G4102 faith G1161 is G2532 also G2756 vain.
  15 G1161 Yea G2532 , and G2147 we are found [G5743]   G5575 false witnesses G2316 of God G3754 ; because G3140 we have testified [G5656]   G2596 of G2316 God G3754 that G1453 he raised up [G5656]   G5547 Christ G3739 : whom G1453 he raised G3756 not G1453 up [G5656]   G1512 , if G686 so be G3498 that the dead G1453 rise [G5743]   G3756 not.
  16 G1063 For G1487 if G3498 the dead G1453 rise [G5743]   G3756 not G1453 , then is G3761 not G5547 Christ G1453 raised [G5769]  :
  17 G1161 And G1487 if G5547 Christ G1453 be G3756 not G1453 raised [G5769]   G5216 , your G4102 faith G3152 is vain G2075 ; ye are [G5748]   G2089 yet G1722 in G5216 your G266 sins.
  18 G686 Then G2532 they also G2837 which are fallen asleep [G5685]   G1722 in G5547 Christ G622 are perished [G5639]  .
  14 G1487 ει   G1161 δε But If G5547 χριστος Christ G3756 ουκ   G1453 (G5769) εγηγερται Has Not Been Raised, G2756 κενον   G686 αρα Then Void "is" G3588 το   G2782 κηρυγμα   G2257 ημων Our Proclamation, G2756 κενη Void G1161 δε And G2532 και Also G3588 η   G4102 πιστις   G5216 υμων Your Faith.
  15 G2147 (G5743) ευρισκομεθα   G1161 δε And We Are Found G2532 και Also G5575 ψευδομαρτυρες   G3588 του False Witnesses G2316 θεου Of God; G3754 οτι For G3140 (G5656) εμαρτυρησαμεν We Witnessed G2596 κατα   G3588 του Concerning G2316 θεου God G3754 οτι That G1453 (G5656) ηγειρεν He Raised Up G3588 τον The G5547 χριστον Christ, G3739 ον Whom G3756 ουκ   G1453 (G5656) ηγειρεν He Raised Not G1512 ειπερ If G686 αρα Then "the" G3498 νεκροι Dead G3756 ουκ Not G1453 (G5743) εγειρονται Are Raised.
  16 G1487 ει   G1063 γαρ For If "the" G3498 νεκροι Dead G3756 ουκ   G1453 (G5743) εγειρονται Are Not Raised, G3761 ουδε Neither G5547 χριστος Christ G1453 (G5769) εγηγερται Has Been Raised :
  17 G1487 ει   G1161 δε But If G5547 χριστος Christ G3756 ουκ   G1453 (G5769) εγηγερται Has Not Been Raised, G3152 ματαια   G3588 η Vain G4102 πιστις Faith G5216 υμων Your "is"; G2089 ετι Still G2075 (G5748) εστε Ye Are G1722 εν In G3588 ταις   G266 αμαρτιαις   G5216 υμων Your Sins.
  18 G686 αρα   G2532 και And Then G3588 οι Those That G2837 (G5685) κοιμηθεντες Fell Asleep G1722 εν In G5547 χριστω Christ G622 (G5639) απωλοντο Perished.