Revelation 8:13-9:2

JMNT(i) 13 Next I saw and heard one vulture (or: eagle), constantly flying within mid-heaven, repeatedly saying by a great voice, "Woe (or: Tragic will be the fate)! Woe (or: Alas)! Woe (or: Tragedy)! for those (or: to or in the folks) constantly dwelling upon the Land (or: soil; earth), from out of the midst of the remaining sounds (voices) of the trumpets of the three agents who are about to be one after another sounding a trumpet!" 9 1 And then the fifth agent (messenger) sounded a trumpet, and I saw a star – having fallen from out of the sky (or: heaven) into the Land (earth) – and the key of the well (cistern; shaft; pit) of The Deep was given to him. [note: the abyss, or, the Deep; that which is very deep so as to be considered bottomless; used in Gen. 1:2 (LXX), “darkness {was} up upon (or: over) the Deep, and God’s Spirit was bearing (conducting) Himself over upon the water;” used of “the fountains of the Deep” in Gen. 8:2 (LXX); of “springs of the Deep” in Deut. 8:7; used in Deut. 33:13 (LXX), “And to Joseph he said, ‘His land is of the blessing... from the springs of the Deep below;’” and in Ps. 104:2-6 (LXX), “Who dost robe Thyself with light as a garment.... Who covers His chambers with waters; Who makes the clouds His chariot... The Deep, as a garment, is His covering;” Ps. 107:23-26 (LXX), “They that go down to the sea.... these have seen the works of the Lord, and His wonders in The Deep;” Ps. 148:7, 8, “... and all Deeps.... the things continually performing His Word;” Isa. 63:13, “He led them through the Deep, as a horse through the wilderness...”] 2 And he opened up the well (shaft; pit) of The Deep and smoke ascended out of the well (shaft), as smoke of a great furnace (or: kiln – for smelting, firing earthen ware or baking bread), and the sun and the air were darkened from out of the smoke of the well (or: shaft).