1 Next I saw an Agent progressively descending out of the atmosphere (or: sky; heaven), continually holding (or: presently having) the key of the Deep (or: the abyss) and [there was] a great chain upon His hand.
2 And He seizes (or: put a power-hold on) the dragon, the primeval (ancient; original) serpent, who is a false accuser and the adversary (or: a devil, even satan), and He binds (or: bound) it (or: him) "a thousand years."
3 Then He casts (or: threw) it (or: him) into the Deep (or: abyss) and He closes (or: shut; locked) and seals (or: stamped with a seal) over upon it (or: him), to the end that it (or: he) can no longer (or: would not still) deceive (lead astray; cause to wander) the multitudes (the nations; the non-Israelites; the ethnic groups), until the thousand years may be ended (finished, completed, perfected; brought to the destined goal; can have its purpose fulfilled). After these [events; things], it is necessary for it to be loosed [for] a little time.
4 And I saw thrones – and they sit (or: sat; are seated) upon them, and judgment-effects (decision-results; judicial process and verdict) is given by them (or: authority to judge was given to them; decisions and separations are made by them) – and souls (inner lives) of those being ones having been cut with an axe (= beheaded) because of the testimony (witness) of (or: pertaining to; from) Jesus, and because of the Word of and from God – even those (or: also the ones) who do not (or: did not) worship the little wild animal (or: beast), nor its image, and do not (or: did not) take (or: receive) the imprinted mark (engraving; carve-effect; result of sculpting) upon their forehead and upon their right hand – and they live and reign (or: lived and reigned) with the Christ (the Anointed One) one thousand [other MSS: the thousand] years.
5 But the remaining (the rest) of the dead ones do not (did not) live until the thousand years may be ended (finished; concluded; caused to reach the purposed and destined goal). This [living and reigning with Christ is (or: This thousand years represents)] the first resurrection. (or: The first rising up [is] this:)
6 Blessed and happy and set-apart (holy) [is] the one holding (or: having) a divided part (a piece) within the first resurrection (rising up) – upon these the second death has no authority (does not continue holding right or privilege), but rather, they will continue being priests belonging to God and to the Christ (or: priests pertaining to God and the Anointed One; or: God’s, even Christ’s, priests; or: priests from God and Christ), and they will continue reigning with Him a [other MSS: the] thousand years.