17 "And every navigator (helmsman; one who steers), and everyone repeatedly (habitually) sailing upon a place, and sailors (ship men; seamen; mariners), and as many as are continually working the sea, stand (or: stood) away at a distance,
18 "and, continuously observing the smoke of her burning, they were crying out, repeatedly saying, 'What [exists] like the Great City?'
19 "And they cast dust (loose earth) upon their heads, and were uttering cries, continually weeping and mourning, repeatedly saying, 'Woe, tragic [is] the Great City in which all those having ships in the sea became rich from out of her valuable merchandise (or: preciousness; estimated worth; imputed value), because in one hour she was laid waste (made like a desert).'
20 "Continually rejoice (be made glad) upon her, O Atmosphere (Sky; Heaven), even the set-apart ones and the envoys and the prophets, because God decided and executed (or: judges; makes a distinction by separating) your sentence (effect of judgment; law-suit; decision-result) from out of her."
21 And one strong agent lifts (took up; carried away) a stone as great as a millstone, and casts (or: cast) [it] into the sea, saying, "Thus, by violence (or: impetuous motion) Babylon the Great City will be cast (thrown) and may by no means any longer be found (or: be yet found).
22 "And a sound (voice) of lyre-players/singers and of musicians and of flutists and of trumpeters may by no means be heard in YOU any more (yet; further), and every technician (craftsman, artist) of every trade (craft; art) may by no means be yet (any longer) found within YOU. And a sound of a millstone may by no means be yet found in YOU,
23 "and a light of a lamp may by no means any longer shine within YOU; and a voice of a bridegroom and of a bride may by no means any longer be heard in YOU, because YOUR merchants were the great ones of the Land (or: earth) because all the multitudes (nations) were (are) deceived (led astray; caused to wander) in YOUR employment of drugs (sorcery; enchantments)."
24 And within her was (or: is) found blood of prophets and of set-apart folks – even of all those having been slaughtered upon the Land (or: earth). [comment: cf Matt. 23:34-38]