3 And they repeatedly sing a new song (or: ode) before the throne, and in the presence of the four living ones and the old folks (or: elders). And no one was able to learn the song (or: ode) except the one hundred forty-four thousand – those having been bought from the Land (or: earth).
4 These are those who were (or: are) not stained (polluted, contaminated) with women, for they are (or: exist being) virgins. These are the folks continuously following The little Lamb wherever He progressively leads [other MSS: wherever He may habitually depart]. These were (or: are) bought from humanity, a first-fruit in God (for God; to God; by God), even in (for; to; by) the little Lamb.
5 And falsehood was (or: is) not found within their mouth, for they are (or: exist being) without blemish (are flawless, blameless and without defect).