15 Now with evening approaching, the disciples approached Him, saying in turn, "The place (= This area) is desolate and uninhabited (or: is a wilderness), and the hour is already advanced (= it is already late in the day). Release (or: Dismiss) the crowds so that, after going away into the villages, they can buy food for themselves in the market places."
16 However, Jesus said to them, "They are not having any need to go away. You men, yourselves, give them [something] to eat!"
17 Yet they, in turn, were saying to Him, "At present we have nothing here! – except five loaves of bread, and two fishes."
18 So He said, "Proceed in bringing them here, to Me."
19 And then, after directing the crowds to lie back (or: recline) upon the grass and vegetation, upon taking (or: receiving) the five loaves of bread and the two fishes, while looking up into heaven (or: the atmosphere; the sky) He spoke words of wellness and blessing. And then, braking [them] in pieces, He gave the loaves (or: cakes) of bread to the disciples, and the disciples [gave them] to the crowds.
20 So they all ate, and were satisfied (like cattle or sheep being fed in a pasture until full). Then they took up the surplus (the excess; the leftovers) of the broken pieces: twelve wicker hand-baskets full! [note: the disciples now had provisions for themselves – for meals the following days? – beyond the original five loaves, where before they considered themselves to "have nothing"]
21 Now those eating were about five thousand adult males – apart from women and little children.