Matthew 11:27-29

JMNT(i) 27 "All people were (or: Everything was) given to Me by, and under, My Father, and yet no one is by habit completely or accurately knowing the Son in an intimate and personal way – except the Father – nor does anyone continue having an intimate experiential full-knowledge of the Father – except the Son, as well as to or in whomever the Son in now desiring (wanting) to unveil [Him]. 28 "So everyone come here, toward Me! – all those constantly weary and exhausted from toil and labor, as well as folks having been caused to carry a load, and continuing burdened down – and I, Myself, will refresh you and cause you folks to rest. 29 "At once lift up My crossbeam (or: the yoke which is Me; the balance beam that comes from and pertains to Me) upon you people, and instantly learn from Me, because I am (or: I continuously exist being) mild-tempered (gentle, kind and considerate) and humble (low) in the heart, and ‘you folks will continue finding refreshment and discovering rest in and for your souls (the whole inner person; the mind, emotions and nerves). [Jer. 6:16]