24 Now from there (or: from that place [= that house]), after rising up, He went off (or: away) into the regions (or: territories; districts) of Tyre and Sidon. Then, upon entering into a house, He was intending that no one was to know it (i.e., to learn that He was there). Even so, He continued unable to escape notice or to elude [them].
25 On the contrary, at once upon hearing about Him, a woman – whose little daughter continued having an unclean spirit (or: was still holding in impure breath-effect; was yet having a vicious and unpruned attitude; was continuing to hold a disposition which reeked of dirt, refuse and the contents of a grave) – upon entering, immediately prostrates (falls forward) toward His feet.
26 Now the woman was a Greek (or: a Greek-speaking Gentile of the Hellenist culture; = a pagan) – a Syrophoenician by birth (= a native of Syro-Phoenicia) – and she kept on begging Him that He would cast out (expel) the demon (Hellenistic concept and term: = animistic influence) forth from the midst of her daughter.
27 Yet Jesus began saying to her, "First allow (or: Let it flow off first for) the Children to be fed until satisfied, for it is not appropriate (good form; ideal; fine; beautiful) to take the bread of (or: which belongs to; from) the Children and to throw [it] to the little house dogs (or: pet dogs; puppies)."
28 Now she considered a reply, and then says to Him, "Yes, Lord (or: Sir; Master), and yet [with other MSS: O Lord, even] the little house dogs underneath the table are normally eating from the crumbs (morsels; scraps) of the little children (or: young servants)."
29 At that He said to her, "Because of this idea (thought; word; saying; = that remark), go! The demon (= spiritual influence) has gone forth from out of the midst of your daughter."
30 So, after going away unto her house, she found the young girl [with other MSS: her daughter] prostrate, having been laid upon the bed (couch; mat) – the demon (= inner malady) having completely gone out.