Mark 14:43-50

JMNT(i) 43 Then, all of a sudden, while He was still speaking, Judah (Judas) Iscariot – one of the twelve – is presently coming to be at His side, and with him [there is] a crowd with swords and wooden weapons [i.e., clubs or staffs], [sent] from the chief priests, the scribes (scholars; theologians; professional Torah teachers) and the elders [i.e., sent from a committee of the Sanhedrin]. 44 Now the man handing Him over had given to them a prearranged (or: agreed-upon) signal, saying, "Whomever I should kiss (show the outward expression of a greeting as a friend), He it is. At once seize Him with a strong hold and proceed securely leading [Him] away." 45 So upon coming, immediately approaching Him he is saying, "Rabbi!" Then he affectionately kissed (or: = gave a prolonged kiss to) Him. 46 Now those men thrust their hands upon Him and strongly seized Him. 47 However, a certain one of those that had been standing by (i.e., beside [Him]), upon drawing [his] sword, struck the slave of the chief priest and cuts away a little [portion of] his ear [other MSS read: took off his ear]. 48 And yet Jesus, giving a decided response, said to them, "Do you men come out with swords and wooden weapons as upon a bandit (highwayman; robber; or: a rebel; an insurrectionist) to arrest and apprehend Me? 49 "Day after day I was there facing you folks within the temple courts and grounds, repeatedly teaching – and you did not seize Me. Nevertheless, so that the Scriptures can (or: may; would) be fulfilled..." 50 And then, abandoning (deserting) Him, they (= His disciples) all fled.