45 "Yet, if that slave should ever say within his heart, 'My lord (master; owner) continues taking a long time and delays [his] coming,' and then should begin both to habitually beat the boys and the maids (= the male and female servants) and to be constantly eating and drinking – even to be repeatedly getting drunk,
46 "the owner (lord; master) of that slave will proceed in arriving on a day in which he continues not anticipating or suspecting [it], and in an hour in which he continues having no personal knowledge [of it]. Then he will proceed to cut him in two (figurative: = severely punish him; perhaps: = sever him from his position after lashing him with a whip) and next will proceed putting his part (or: setting his position) with the unfaithful and unreliable [slaves].
47 "Now that slave who by experience is knowing and personally understanding his owner's (his lord's; his master's) will and intent – and yet is not preparing (or: making ready) or performing with an aim toward his [owner's] will or intent – will proceed in being flayed (severely whipped) [with] many lashes.