3 Therefore His brothers said to Him, "Change your steps from this place, and go away into Judea, so that your disciples will [other MSS: can; might] watch and thoughtfully observe your work which you are habitually doing,
4 "for no one is in the habit of doing anything within a hidden place (in hiding; under concealment) and at the same time seeking for himself to be in public openness. If (or: Since) you continue doing these things, show yourself in clear light to the world (cause yourself to be seen by the system [= the religious, cultural and political organizations of the area])."
5 – you see, not even were His brothers putting their trust into Him, and were still unbelieving –
6 Therefore, Jesus is presently saying to them, "My season (My fitting situation; My kairos; My appointed occasion; My fertile moment) is not yet existing at My side (is not yet present or here), yet your season (the fitting situation belonging to you folks) is always prepared and ready.