James 2:18-26

JMNT(i) 18 Yet someone will say, "You continuously have (hold) faith, and I continuously have (or: possess) works (actions; deeds). You at once show me (exhibit to my eyes) your faith apart from the works or actions, and I, forth from out of the midst of my actions and works, will continue showing (exhibiting to) you my faith, trust, conviction and loyalty." 19 You continuously believe (or: trust; are convinced) that God is One (or: that God exists being One; that One exists being God; or: that there is one God). [Deut. 6:4] You are performing (doing) beautifully (excellently; ideally) – even the demons (Hellenistic concept and term: = animistic influences) continuously believe (or: presently trust; are constantly loyal; are normally convinced [about this]), and constantly shudder (bristle; shiver; are ruffled). [comment: in this last phrase Jacob is either making an ontological statement about “demons, ” or he is using sarcasm, referring in a derogatory manner to the Jews who also believe this; Jesus used the term diablos (devil; one who thrusts-through folks) to refer to Judas in John 6:70; He used the term satan when speaking to Peter in Mark 8:33; this phrase could also refer to the superstitious mindsets of folks who have believed Jewish or pagan myths, or have accepted animistic influences into their thinking] 20 But are you willing to experientially and intimately know and receive insight, O empty person, that the faith, trust and loyalty, apart from the works and actions, exists being inactive (continues unproductive; [p74 reads: empty; without contents; other MSS: is dead])? 21 Our father Abraham was not placed within the Way pointed out (made fair and equitable; put in right relationship; rightwised; made a just one; also: = placed in covenant) from out of works, when offering up his son Isaac upon the altar! 22 Are you normally seeing that the faith, trust and loyalty continued to work together with his actions and works, and forth from out of the actions (or: works), faith (trust, loyalty and conviction) was brought to its goal (was perfected; was matured; was finished)? 23 And thus the Scripture was made full, the one saying, "Now Abraham believed (or: put trust and confidence) in God (or: became persuaded by God; adhered to God), and he was counted into the Way pointed out by Him (or: he was considered rightwised by Him; he was reckoned fair, equitable and just in Him; alternately: so it was counted into right relation [= covenant inclusion] for him), " [Ex. 15:6] and he was called "God's friend." [Isa. 41:8] 24 Are you folks normally observing (or: perceiving) that humanity (or: a person) is normally being rightwised (from time to time being placed in right relationship in the Way pointed out; progressively made fair and equitable; normally justified; = put in covenant) forth from out of the midst of actions and works, and not only from out of faith and trust? 25 Now in this same vein, even Rahab the prostitute, taking under [her roof] and welcoming the agents (messengers), and then later exiting them by a different way, was not rightwised (placed in right relationship in the Way pointed out; made fair and equitable; justified; or: shown to be righteous; also: = brought into covenant) forth from out of works. 26 You see, just as the body apart from a breath-effect (or: spirit) is lifeless (dead), thus also the faith and trust apart from actions and works [i.e., the living it out] is (exists being) lifeless (dead).