James 2:15-18

JMNT(i) 15 Now if a brother or a sister may continuously subsist (or: should begin now in a position under [circumstances]) as naked ones (= without sufficient clothing), and may constantly be deserted (or: wanting) of daily food, 16 yet a certain person out from among you folks may be saying to them, "Be now humbly departing in peace (or: Continue leading [your life] under [these circumstances] in union with harmony), be continuously warming yourselves and be habitually fed and fully satisfy yourselves, " but you would not give to them the body's necessities – what is the advantage or resulting benefit? 17 Thus also [is] the faith (the trust, conviction and loyalty): if it should not continue to have works (include actions; possess deeds; have employment), by itself it exists being dead (or: is lifeless; = is a corpse) in correspondence to its own nature (in the sphere of itself). 18 Yet someone will say, "You continuously have (hold) faith, and I continuously have (or: possess) works (actions; deeds). You at once show me (exhibit to my eyes) your faith apart from the works or actions, and I, forth from out of the midst of my actions and works, will continue showing (exhibiting to) you my faith, trust, conviction and loyalty."