Hebrews 6:13-19

JMNT(i) 13 For you see God – after at one point promising to Abraham – since He had, and continues to have, no greater in line with (or: down into the sphere of; to the level of; according to; by; against) which to swear, swore in line with (down into; by; etc.) Himself, 14 proceeding in saying, "Assuredly, continuously speaking good (or: blessing) I will continuously speak good to (or: bless) you, then progressively multiplying I will progressively multiply and fill you." [Gen. 22:17] 15 And so, in this way enduring long (breathing and blowing long) he hit upon the target of (= obtained) the promises. 16 For you see, men are swearing by (or: down on; according to) the greater, and to (or: for; with; among) them the oath [is] an end (limit; boundary; termination) of all contradiction and dispute (or: from talking-back in face-to-face opposition), unto an established confirmation. 17 In [line with] which God – intending (or: willing; purposing) more abundantly to fully demonstrate to the heirs (or: possessors) of the promise the unchangeableness (immutable position) of His intent (will; purpose) – interposed (mediated between two parties) with an oath, 18 so that by two unchangeable transactions (practice-effects) in which [it is] impossible (without power or ability) [for] God to deceive (to lie or be false), we – those fleeing to refuge – may be constantly having (holding; possessing) strong consolation (a calling alongside with relief, aid and encouragement; services of the Paraclete) to be strong to get into one's power the prescribed and settled expectation (or: expectant hope) continuously lying before [us], 19 which we continuously have (hold; possess) as an anchor of and pertaining to the soul (or: from the inner life and being), both secure from falling and established (firm; steadfast; = on sure footing), even habitually entering into the interior (or: then progressively going fully into the inner part) with reference to the veil (= entering into the interior [behind] the curtain)