Hebrews 5:7-9

JMNT(i) 7 Who, during the days of His flesh (= existence as a human), with a strong (or: robust) outcry and tears, offered both earnest requests (supplications from need) and petitions (or: supplications; literally: olive branches carried by suppliants, which symbolized a request for help and protection) toward the One being continually able and powerful to deliver (rescue; save) Him forth from out of the midst of death. And so He was being heard (or: was being listened to), from this discretion and precaution (or: the disposition of taking hold well with prudent understanding; or: the receiving of goodness and well-being; or: [His] undertaking with care). 8 Even though continuously being a Son, He learned to listen, pay attention and act on it (or: the giving of the ear in hearing from below, and then to obey) from the things which He experienced (or: what happened to Him [both the good and the bad]). 9 And being brought to the goal of [His] destiny (being brought to maturity and completion; being finished and perfected) He became a cause of eonian deliverance (or: rescue, wholeness and good health and restoration to the original state of being which pertains to and has the character of the Age; safety and healing of and for the ages) for all (or: in all) those habitually listening, paying attention and acting in response (or: the giving of the ear in hearing from below, with obedience) to Him,