7 Who, during the days of His flesh (= existence as a human), with a strong (or: robust) outcry and tears, offered both earnest requests (supplications from need) and petitions (or: supplications; literally: olive branches carried by suppliants, which symbolized a request for help and protection) toward the One being continually able and powerful to deliver (rescue; save) Him forth from out of the midst of death. And so He was being heard (or: was being listened to), from this discretion and precaution (or: the disposition of taking hold well with prudent understanding; or: the receiving of goodness and well-being; or: [His] undertaking with care).
Hebrews 5:7 Cross References - JMNT
Matthew 26:28-44
28 "for you see, this is My blood (or: the blood which is Me), which pertains to the covenant [with other MSS: this is My blood – which is the new arrangement] – the [blood] around (or: encompassing and pertaining to) many [people; peoples], [the blood] continuously (or: presently) being poured out and progressively diffused into a divorce from failures, a forgiveness for mistakes, a dismissal of errors, a release from deviations, and a flowing away of sins!
29 Yet, I am now saying to you folks that from the present moment I can by no means (or: under no circumstances) drink from out of this product (yield; offspring) of the grapevine, until that day I can habitually drink with you folks in union with My Father's reign (or: within the kingdom of My Father) – whenever it [will be] new in kind, quality and character!" [note: the word "it," being neuter, would refer back to the "product" of the grapevine]
30 Later, after singing a hymn [= the Hallel: a psalm, or, psalms of praise and thanksgiving], they went out into the Mount of Olives.
31 At that time, Jesus went on saying to them, "All you folks will proceed being caught in the snare in union with Me, and will continue being caused to stumble, within this night. You see, it has been written, 'I will proceed smiting (or: striking down) the shepherd and the sheep of the flock will proceed being thoroughly scattered and dispersed.' [Zech. 13;7]
32 "Yet after the [situation or occasion for] Me to be aroused and raised up (= My resurrection), I will proceed leading the way before you (or: be preceding you folks) into the Galilee [district]."
33 Now Peter, making a determined response, says to Him, "Even if everyone [else] will proceed being caught in the snare in union with You, and will continue being caused to stumble, I myself will never (not even once) proceed being ensnared or cause to stumble!"
34 And so Jesus affirmed to him, "Of a truth (or: Really; Count on it; Amen), I now am saying to you that within this night – before a rooster crows (or: is to crow; other MSS: the crowing of the cock), you will proceed to disown (renounce) Me three times."
35 Peter is then saying to Him, "Even if it should continue necessary for me to die together with You, under no circumstances could (or: would; as a future: will) I disown or renounce You." And all the disciples spoke similarly (or: said likewise).
36 At that time Jesus continues going with them into a spot (or: place; estate; literally: a freehold – piece of ground not subject to allotment, which could be bought and sold) normally being called Gethsemane, and He then is saying to His disciples, "Sit down here, while upon going off there in that place, I can pray."
37 And then, taking Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along, He began to be progressively pained, distressed and filled with grief – and to continue deeply troubled, depressed and dejected.
38 At that point He lays it out for them, saying, "My soul continues being surrounded by pain and exists encompassed by sorrow and grief – unto the point of death. You men remain here and continue being awake and watchful (alert) with Me.
39 And so, after going forward a little way [other MSS: in approaching (or: moving toward) {a certain spot}], He fell upon His face, continuously praying (thinking and/or speaking concerning [His] well-being) and (or: even) repeatedly saying, "My Father, if it is possible (or: since there is power; if it be able), let this cup pass away (or: go to the side, away) from Me! Nevertheless, more than this, [let it be; it is] not as I continue willing (wanting; intending), but to the contrary, as You [will and intend]."
40 Then He proceeds coming toward the disciples, and He is presently finding them continuing fast asleep. So He then says to Peter, "So (or: Thus [is the case]), you folks have no strength to stay awake and watch with Me [for] one hour.
41 "You folks continue awake and keep on watching. And continue praying to the end that you folks may not enter into a test (a trial; a putting to the proof). On the one hand the spirit [is] eager (the attitude [can be] the first to rush forward with passion); on the other hand the flesh (= the estranged human nature; the alienated self; the person who has been molded and dominated by the System) [is] without strength (weak and infirm)."
42 Again, a second time, going off He prayed, repeatedly saying, "My Father, if this continues impossible (unable) to pass on from Me if I should not (or: unless I should) drink it, let Your will and purpose be birthed and come to be!"
43 Then, going again, He found them continuing fast asleep, for their eyes were ones having been made heavy and continuing weighed down as with a burden.
44 And so, leaving them [and] again going away, He prayed a third time saying the same word (or: thought; idea).
Matthew 26:52-53
52 At that point Jesus is saying to him, "Turn away (= Return) your knife (or: sword) into its place. You see, all those taking [up] a knife (or: sword) will proceed in destroying themselves in union with a knife (or: sword).
53 "Or, are you continually imagining or supposing that I am not constantly able (or: that I do not habitually have power) to at once call My Father to My side for assistance, and He will right now place by Me (or: furnish for Me; put at My disposal) more than twelve legions [= regiments; a legion was 6000 foot soldiers plus 120 on horse, plus auxiliaries] of agents?
Matthew 27:46
46 But about the ninth hour Jesus loudly called out (exclaimed; shouted) at the top of [His] voice (or: in a great voice), saying, "Eli! Eli! (other MSS: Eloi, Eloi!) Lema sabachthani! [note: George Lamsa translates the Peshitta (Aramaic Version) of these two words as: for this was I spared; or: this was my destiny] – This is it! O My God, My God, for this certain purpose You have left Me as a remnant, down within the midst!" [Ps. 22:1, LXX] (or: "My God – O God – this exists being for a specific end and destiny that You leave Me fully in union with!" or: "My God. O God, do You leave from down within the midst of Me so that this certain end exists?" or: that is, "O My God, My God, to what end and for what purpose do You at once completely abandon Me in [this situation]?") [note: Scholars consider this a quote of Ps. 22:1, where the last phrase is the identical Greek in the LXX. However, in the Hebrew, the word often translated forsake" (azab) has these three meanings:
(1) to loose bands; to let go {a beast} from its bonds;
(2) to leave {a person; a place}; to leave {anyone; or: a place}; to desert;
(3) to leave off; to cease from {anything}]
(1) to loose bands; to let go {a beast} from its bonds;
(2) to leave {a person; a place}; to leave {anyone; or: a place}; to desert;
(3) to leave off; to cease from {anything}]
Matthew 27:50
50 Now Jesus, again at one point loudly crying out with a loud (or: great) voice (or: sound), dismissed the Spirit (or: lets the breath-effect flow away; divorced [His] spirit; lets [His] breath go; abandoned the Spirit; or: set aside and rejected this attitude).
Mark 14:32-39
32 They later continued going into a small designated spot (or: landed property; estate; freehold), the name of which [is] Gethsemane, and He is then saying to His disciples, "Sit down here while I may be praying (or: until I can speak [to God] with a view toward having things be well)."
33 Then He proceeded in taking Peter, Jacob (James) and John aside (or: along) with Him and He began to be increasingly affected from out of a stunning sense of extreme awe and terrifying astonishment, and to be progressively depressed and sorely troubled with distress.
34 And so He then is saying to them, "My soul is encompassed with pain, grief and exceeding sorrow – to the point of death! Remain here and continue alert and watchful."
35 Then going forward a little distance, He was repeatedly falling upon the ground, and kept on praying with a view toward having things go well – to the end that, if it exists being possible, The Hour might pass away from Him.
36 And He went on to say, "Abba (= Dad; Papa) – O Father – all things [are] possible for (to; with; in) You; carry this cup away from Me! But to the contrary (or: Nevertheless) not what I Myself am now wanting (or: continue wishing; am repeatedly willing), but rather and further, what You [are; want; will]!"
37 Later He proceeds coming and is then finding them down continuing fast asleep, so He then says to Peter, "Simon, are you continuing down fast asleep? Do you not have strength to continue staying alert and watchful [for] one hour?
38 "You men be constantly alert and watchful, and continue praying with a view toward having things go well – to the end that you folks will not continue coming (or: going) into a test (or: a trial; an ordeal). Indeed, the spirit (the Breath-effect; or: the attitude) [is] eager (rushing ahead with passion), yet the flesh (= the estranged human nature; the alienated self; the person who has been molded and dominated by the System) [is] weak (without strength and powerless; feeble and infirm)."
39 And then again, going off, He prayed, saying the very same word (thought; idea; expression).
Mark 15:34
34 And at one point during the ninth hour, Jesus shouted in a loud voice, "Eloi! Eloi! Lama [other MSS: Lema] sabachthani?"– which is normally being translated and interpreted, "My God! My God! Into what do You leave Me down within?" (or: "Into what did You leave Me down to remain in union with?") [Ps. 22:1]
Mark 15:37
37 But Jesus, letting flow a loud sound (or: a great Voice), breathes out (or: expired; blows out [His] spirit; = died).
Luke 22:41-44
41 Then He was dragged (or: pulled) away from them about [the distance] of a stone's throw, and kneeling, He began speaking toward having ease and well-being (or: praying),
42 saying, "O Father, if You continue purposing (willing; intending) [it], at once bear along (or: carry aside) this, the cup, away from Me. Yet more than that, not My will or desire, but to the contrary, let Yours continue of itself progressing into being (or: let Yours keep on happening to itself, and from itself come to be, then progressively take place for itself)!" [note: vss. 43 & 44 are omitted in p75, Aleph1, A, B, N, T, W, 579, 1071*, and others, as well as writings by Marcion, Clement, Origen, Athanasius, Ambrose, Cyril John-Damascus, a Georgian MS, and others; Aleph*, D, L, later MSS, various church Fathers, and others include them; Griesbach and Nestle-Aland bracket them; UBS footnotes them in the apparatus]
43 Now an agent from the atmosphere (or: a messenger fromheaven) was seen by Him, continuously strengthening Him.
44 Then, coming to be within the midst of great inner tension and conflict (or: agony and anxiety), He continued praying more intensely and more stretched out, and so His sweat came to be as it were large drops and clots of blood, steadily dropping down upon the ground.
Luke 23:46
John 1:14
14 And so The Word (the Idea; the Thought; the Reason; the Discourse; the Message; The Collected Expression of Rational Logic; The Logos; = the meaning, plan and rational purpose of the ordered universe) births Itself flesh (or: became flesh; came to be [in] flesh; came into existence being flesh; = God's thought, the ground of all real existence, became projected into creation as an immanent power within the world of mankind, inhabiting flesh), and lives in a tent, within us (or: set up a tent and tabernacled among us), and we view (attentively gaze at; looked at so as to contemplate) Its (or: His) glory (Its manifestation which calls forth praise; Its appearance which creates and effects opinions in regard to the whole of human experience; = His manifest presence): a glory (= prestige and importance; reputation and opinion-forming appearance) as of an only-begotten one at a father’s side (or: [the] glory from [the presence of the] Father, as a uniquely-born One), full of grace and truth (filled with favor as well as reality and genuineness).
John 11:35
35 Jesus sheds tears (let tears flow; gave way to tears; or: bursts into tears).
John 11:42
42 "and I, Myself, have seen and thus know that You habitually listen and constantly hear Me at all times (always), but nevertheless, because of the crowd standing around, I spoke – to the end that they could trust and believe that You commissioned and sent Me forth as an Emissary (Representative)."
John 12:27-28
27 "At the present time, My soul (inner self; feelings; emotion; will) has been stirred up (shaken; disturbed; troubled), and what can (or: should) I say? O Father, deliver (rescue; save) Me from out of the midst of this hour! (or: ?) But to the contrary, on account of this I come (or: came) into this hour.
28 "O Father, glorify Your Name (bring glory and renowned reputation to your Name in a manifestation which calls forth praise)!" Then a voice (or: sound) came from out of the midst of the heaven (or: the sky; the atmosphere): "I both bring (or: brought) glory to [it], and I will continue glorifying [it] again!"
John 17:1
1 Jesus speaks (or: spoke) these things and then, lifting up His eyes into the sky (or: the atmosphere; the heaven), says, "O Father, the hour has come and is now here: bring glory (give a good reputation; bring a manifestation which calls forth praise) to Your Son, to the end that the Son can bring glory (or: may give a good reputation; would bring a manifestation which calls forth praise) to and for You.
John 17:4-5
4 "I Myself glorify (or: brought a good reputation and a manifestation which called forth praise to) You upon the earth (or: the Land), finishing and perfecting (bringing to its goal, purpose, destiny and fruition) the Work (the Deed; the Act) which You have given to (or: in; for) Me, to the end that I could do (or: would perform) [it].
5 "So now You Yourself, O Father, glorify (bring a good reputation and a manifestation which calls forth praise to) Me alongside Yourself (or: with the presence of Yourself) in, by and with the glory (good reputation; manifestation which calls forth praise) which I was having (or: used to hold) and continued holding (possessing) at Your side and in Your presence, before the universe (or: world and system of culture, religion and government) is continuing to have being (or: had existence).
Romans 8:3
3 You see, [because of] the powerlessness and inability of the Law (from the written code; = associated with Torah) – within which it kept on making [folks] weak and feeble ([note: the active voice]; but as an intransitive: in which [incapability] it was constantly falling sick and continued being without strength) through the flesh (= the alienated self oriented toward the System; or: = Torah culture and cultus, with boundary-marker observances) – in sending His own Son (or: by sending the Son, Who is Himself) within a result of a likeness of flesh that is connected with sin (or: in an effect of being made similar to sin’s flesh; = in union with a result from being made like the alienated existence that is marked by failure), and concerning sin (or: encircling failure and error; to address a missed target; surrounding deviation; [note: or, as a technical term for the sin offering: = to be the sin-offering; see: Lev. 4:32; 5:6-9; 2 Chron. 29:24; Ps. 40:6; Ezk. 42:13, LXX]), God gives a commensurate decision from a corresponding negative evaluation which falls in line with and follows the pattern which divides down (or: condemned; gives a down-oriented verdict; passed down a sentence on and gave judgment against) the Sin within the flesh [system] (or: the failure, the error, the miss of the target and the deviation [which is] in union with the human condition; or: = the mistake of the estranged, System-dominated self),
Galatians 4:4
4 Yet when the effect of the filling of the time came (or: that which was filled up by time reached full term), forth from out of a mission (or: from out of the midst of [Himself]), God sent-off His Son, being Himself come to be born from out of a woman, being Himself come to be born under [the rules, authority and influence of] Law,
1 Timothy 3:16
16 and so confessedly (admittedly; with common consent and sameness of speech) great is the secret (or: mystery) of the reverence (the standing in awe of goodness, with adoration; the healthful devotion and virtuous conduct of ease, in true relation to God): which is made visible (manifested) within flesh (= a physical body), is rightwised (set in equity and right relationship in the Way pointed out; also = is placed in covenant) in spirit (in union with Breath-effect), is seen by agents (or: messengers), is heralded (preached) within multitudes (among nations and ethnic groups), is trusted and believed within [the] world (an ordered system; secular culture), is received back in good opinion and reputation. (or: Who [some MSS read: God; others: He] was brought to clear light within flesh (= the natural realm); was shown righteous and just (= set in covenant) within spirit and attitude; was seen by agents; was proclaimed among Gentiles {non-Jews}; was believed within [the] world of society, religion, and government; was taken back up again, within glory – a manifestation which calls forth praise!)
Hebrews 2:14
14 Since, then, the young children have participated in and commonly shared existence of blood and flesh (= humanity), He also, nearly alongside [them], shared theirs in common (partook of the [ingredients] which comprise them), in order that through means of death He might render useless (or: deactivate; idle-down; discard) the one normally having the strength (or: the person presently holding the force) of death (or: which is death; or: whose source is death), that is, the adversary (or: that which throws folks into dualism with divided thinking and perceptions; or: the one that throws something through the midst and casts division; the one who thrusts things through folks; the slanderer who accuses and deceives; or, commonly called: the "devil"),
Hebrews 12:28
28 Therefore (or: Because of which), continuously taking to our sides (or: progressively receiving alongside) an unshaken Reign (or: Kingdom; Sovereign influence), we are constantly holding (or: progressively having; [other MSS: can be now having]) grace and joyous favor, through which we are [other MSS: can be] continually serving, well-pleasingly, in God (or: for God; by God; to God), with modesty (an unseen behavior and manner) in taking hold easily of goodness and well-being, as well as discretion and awe as to what is proper,
Hebrews 13:20
20 Now may the God who is Peace (or: who is the origin of and has the character and qualities of harmony [= shalom]), the One at one point leading our Lord (Master; Owner) – Jesus, the Shepherd of the sheep, the Great One – back up again out from the midst of dead folks,
1 John 4:3
3 and every spirit (influence; attitude; breath) which is not habitually speaking in accord with (speaking like; or: avowing; confessing) Jesus [some MSS add: {the; as} Lord, having come in flesh] is not out of (does not originate in) God. And this [spirit, expression, or speech which is not in accord with Jesus] is (or: continuously exists being) of the anti-anointing (or: that which pertains to the antichrist; from something in the place of Christ) – which you folks have heard that it is constantly (repeatedly; habitually) coming, and now (or: presently) exists within the controlling ordered System (or: is in the world of religion, economy, government and culture; or: has being in the realms of the secular and the religious) already (before now).
2 John 1:7
7 Since many wandering-astray folks (or: many who lead astray; many deceivers) went out into the ordered System (world of religion, secular culture, economics and government) – those not continuously speaking like (saying the same thing as; confessing) Jesus presently coming in flesh (= a physical body; or: = in [their] inner self): this is the person wandering astray, even the one in opposition to Christ (the one instead of Christ; the one in place of Christ; or: the anti-anointing) –