1 For the Law (= Torah), holding a shadow of (having shade from) the impending good things (virtues; excellent, agreeable or useful qualities or results) – not the very image of or the same reproduced likeness from those transactions (results of executing or performing; effects of practices) – continues not even once able (or: still never has power) at any point to perfect (bring to the goal and destiny, finish, complete or mature) those folks repeatedly coming near (approaching) by offering the [other MSS: their] same sacrifices every year, on into the whole length (or: extended or stretched into the unbroken continuance) [of its existence].
2 Otherwise would they not cease being habitually offered? Because those constantly serving, upon having once for all been cleansed, would not still continue to have even one consciousness about sins (or: awareness of failures, mistakes or errors).
3 But in contrast, in these folks [there is] yearly (or: year by year) a remembrance of sins (a recollection of failures and falling short of the goal).
4 For you see, blood from bulls and from he-goats [is] without ability [and is] powerless to be periodically carrying away sins (or: lifting failures from; taking off misses of the target).