Acts 2:25-27

JMNT(i) 25 "You see David is constantly laying out words [that lead] into Him: 'I was continuously foreseeing the Lord in my sight, through everything (or: I habitually held [Yahweh] in sight, before my eyes, in the course of all things; or: I was previously seeing the Lord, before me and in my presence continually), because He is (or: continuously exists) at my right hand – to the end that I can (or: may; should; would) not be shaken (or: caused to waver or totter; agitated). 26 'Through (or: Because of) this, my heart was made cheerful, glad and in a healthy frame of mind, and then my tongue was constantly expressing extreme joy! Now still, even my flesh (= natural existence) will continue pitching a tent and residing upon expectation (or: hope), 27 'because (or: that) You will not continue leaving my soul (my interior self; my existential life) down in (or: abandon me into) [the] Unseen (or: Hades, the unseen abode of the dead), neither will You proceed giving Your loyal one (a person sanctioned by God's law, and by nature; a pious and devout person) to see (= experience) corruption (thorough ruin, rot and decay).