Acts 2

JMNT(i) 1 Later, during the progression for the day of Pentecost (= Feast of the harvest; = the Festival of Weeks) to be filled together unto its full measure, they were all in the same place, at the same time, [and focused] on the same thing. 2 Then suddenly and unexpectedly there came to be (or: was birthed) from out of the midst of the atmosphere (or: sky; heaven) a roaring noise (or: sound) as of a continued rushing and driving of a violent wind (or: exactly like a continual carrying of a forcible breath), and it filled (pervaded; permeated; saturated) the whole house where they were sitting. 3 Then progressively dividing and self-distributing tongues – as if of fire – were seen by them, and He (or: it; or: [one]) sat down upon each one of them. 4 And then they all were filled with [the] Consecrated Breath-effect (or: [the] Holy Spirit; or: a set-apart attitude), and they started (or: began) to continuously (or: repeatedly) speak in different tongues (= languages) – accordingly and correspondingly as the Breath-effect (or: the Spirit; the Attitude) kept on giving (or: granting) to them to be continuously (or: intermittently) uttering loudly and clearly. 5 Now there were Jews permanently residing (continuously housed-down; or, perhaps: staying) in Jerusalem – well-received adult men who take hold well [on things] (or: pious, reverent and circumspect adult males; or: cautious husbands) from every nation and ethnic group under the sky (or: heaven). 6 But upon the occurring of this sound, the multitude came together and were mingled with perplexity, bewilderment and confusion – because each one of them kept on listening and heard [the disciples] continually (or: repeatedly) speaking in his own language and dialect. 7 So they all began being put out of place (or: set out of themselves) with amazement, and continued being caused to wonder with admiration and astonishment – one after another saying, "Look, and think about it (or: See here)! All these folks who are presently speaking are Galileans, are they not? 8 "And so how are we ourselves now hearing – each one of us – in his own language and dialect, [the one] in which we were born? 9 " [There are] Parthians, Medes and Elamites [= portions of the Persian empire]; even folks presently dwelling in Mesopotamia... both Judea, as well as Cappadocia... Pontus, as well as Asia [= principally the kingdom of Pergamus, including Lydia, Mysia, Caria and Phrygia], 10 "both Phrygia and Pamphylia; Egypt and the parts of Libya which is down toward Cyrene, as well as the temporary residents from Rome (or: the repatriated Romans); both Jews and proselytes (converts to Judaism), Cretans and Arabians (or: Arabs) – 11 "we continue hearing their speaking the magnificent things of God (or: God's great deeds) in our own tongues (= languages)!" 12 So they all continued being put out of place (or: set out of themselves) with amazement and were bewildered (or: perplexed), [some] saying one to another, "What is this now purposing (or: intending; resolving) to be?" 13 Yet folks of a different class, while thoroughly joking, jesting and taunting, began to say, "They are folks having been filled full (glutted; tanked; are brimful) of sweet wine (or: musk)." 14 So Peter, having stood together with the eleven, raised his voice [D* adds: first] and uttered loudly and clearly to them, "Men! Jews! (or: Men of Judea!) – and all those presently residing in Jerusalem! Let this be known to you folks, and let the effects of my flow (or: the result of my declarations) at once sink in your ears (= listen carefully to me)! 15 "For these folks are not being drunk, as you folks are presently undertaking to suppose, for you see it is the third hour of the day. 16 "On the contrary, this is the thing [= oracle; prophecy] having been spoken through the prophet (one who had light ahead of time and spoke before folks) Joel, 17 'And so it will proceed being (or: existing) within (or: during) the last days,' – God is now saying – I will progressively pour (or: diffuse; shed) from out of the midst of My Breath-effect (Spirit; attitude) upon all flesh (= humans, people) and then your sons and your daughters will proceed prophesying, and your youths (older girls and boys; young people) will continue seeing sights (or: visions), and your old folks (or: elder ones) will be repeatedly dreaming dreams. 18 'In fact, I will continue pouring from out of the midst of My Breath-effect (or: diffusing from My Spirit and Attitude) even upon My slaves – both men and women – and they, too, will continue prophesying (speaking light ahead of time and before people). 19 'Later I will keep on giving miracles (wonders; omens; portents) within the sky (or: atmosphere; heaven) above, and signs upon the Land (or: earth) below – blood and fire and vapor [pillars] of smoke (or: a mist composed of smoke; [note: these three are a figure to illustrate bloodshed and destruction on earth, specifically referring to their Land]); 20 'the sun will proceed being converted into darkness (or: twisted with [itself, and move] into gloomy dimness and obscure shadowiness) and the moon into blood – before the great and fully-apparent day of [the] Lord [= Yahweh] is to come in full and clear light. 21 'Then it will continue being (or: existing) [that] everyone – whoever can (or: may in any single situation) call upon the Name of [the] Lord [= Yahweh's name]! – will proceed being rescued (or: kept safe; healed and restored to wholeness; delivered; saved).' [Joel 2:28-32] [comment: they were now in vss. 17-18; vss. 19-21 would come in AD 70] 22 "Men! Israelites! (or: Men of Israel!) Continue listening and hear these words! Jesus the Nazarene, a mature Man having been fully pointed out unto you and continuing publicly exhibited and demonstrated [to be] from God [D* reads: proved unto us, after testing and examination, and thus approved, from God] – in powers and by abilities, together with miracles (wonders; omens; portents) and signs which God did and performs through Him within your midst – just as you yourselves have seen, and thus are aware and know. 23 "This Man, given up out of the midst in and by the specific, determined, bounded (limited) plan (intended purpose, design and counsel) and foreknowledge (intimate knowledge which was experienced beforehand) of God (or: whose source and character was God; or: which pertained to and was God), you folks, through the hand (= agency) of people not bound by the Law (= folks without knowledge of and not living in accordance to the Torah), took up and assassinated by fastening [Him] to [an execution stake (or: a cross)], 24 "Whom God resurrected (raised up; caused to stand back up again), after loosing (untying; = releasing and freeing from) the birth-pangs (or: -throes) of the death (or: the Death; [or, with D and other witnesses: after destroying the cords of the Unseen {Hades}]) – corresponding to the fact that it was not possible for Him to be held fast by it (or: it was not continuing to be powerful or capable for Him to be possessed under its strength). [comment: death gives birth to life] 25 "You see David is constantly laying out words [that lead] into Him: 'I was continuously foreseeing the Lord in my sight, through everything (or: I habitually held [Yahweh] in sight, before my eyes, in the course of all things; or: I was previously seeing the Lord, before me and in my presence continually), because He is (or: continuously exists) at my right hand – to the end that I can (or: may; should; would) not be shaken (or: caused to waver or totter; agitated). 26 'Through (or: Because of) this, my heart was made cheerful, glad and in a healthy frame of mind, and then my tongue was constantly expressing extreme joy! Now still, even my flesh (= natural existence) will continue pitching a tent and residing upon expectation (or: hope), 27 'because (or: that) You will not continue leaving my soul (my interior self; my existential life) down in (or: abandon me into) [the] Unseen (or: Hades, the unseen abode of the dead), neither will You proceed giving Your loyal one (a person sanctioned by God's law, and by nature; a pious and devout person) to see (= experience) corruption (thorough ruin, rot and decay). 28 'By intimate experience You make paths of life known to me (or: You personally made known to me [the] Life's ways; You give insights for me of roads which are life); with Your face You will continue filling me with gladness, cheer, euphoria and a healthy frame of mind – a disposition of well-being.' [Ps. 16:8-11] 29 "Men! Brothers (= Fellow Believers; or: = Fellow Jews)! Allow me to say to you folks, with freeness of speech and with outspoken frankness and boldness, concerning the patriarch David – that he both came to [his] end and was buried, and his memorial tomb is among us until this day. 30 "Being inherently a prophet (one who had light ahead of time), however, and thus seeing and knowing with perception that God swore and affirms to him with an oath to at some point seat [One] upon his throne [that is] from out of [the] fruit of his loins (reproductive organs), 31 "seeing and perceiving beforehand, he spoke concerning the resurrection of the Christ, that He was neither left down within the midst, in (or: [sinking] into) the Unseen (or: Hades; = Hebrew: sheol; the realm or abode of the dead; often used for "the grave"), nor did His flesh (= body) see (= experience) corruption or decay. 32 "God resurrected (raised; made to stand back up again) this Jesus – of which and of Whom we are all witnesses (folks who saw what happened and who now give evidence and testimony)! 33 "Being, then, lifted up high by the right hand of God, and exalted to, and thus being at, God's right hand, as well as receiving the promise of the Set-apart Breath-effect (or: the promise which comes from the Holy Spirit; or: the promise which is the Sacred Spirit and Attitude) at the side of, and from, the Father, He poured out this which you folks are now both continuously seeing (or: observing) and keep on hearing. 34 "For you see, David did not climb up (or: it [was not] David [who] ascended) into the heavens (or: skies; atmospheres), yet he himself continues laying it out and saying, 'The Lord [= Yahweh] said (or: says) to my Lord (or: my Master), "Continue seating Yourself at My right [hand; plural: = positions of power, honor and authority], 35 "until I may place (put; set) Your enemies (folks hostile to You) [as] a footstool for Your feet."' [Ps. 110:1] 36 "Therefore, let all [the] house of Israel, for a certainty and without slipping or tripping, come to progressively know by intimate experience that God made and creates Him [to be] both* Lord (Master; Owner) and Christ ([the] Anointed One; [= Messiah]) – this Jesus, whom you folks put to death on a stake (crucified)!" [*note: "both" omitted by p91] 37 Now, upon hearing [this], they were pierced down to the heart (the core of their being), and so said to Peter and the rest of the commissioned and sent-forth folks (or: emissaries), "Men... brothers, what can or should we do?" 38 So Peter at once affirms to them, "At once change your way of thinking (your frame of mind and point of view; [by customary use this implies: and return to Yahweh]). Then at once let each one of you folks be immersed (baptized) within the Name (= in union with the identity, the character, the authority, the essence) of Jesus Christ (or: of [the] Anointed Jesus; with is Jesus [the Messiah]) – into the midst of a release and sending away, a divorce and an abandonment, a cancellation and a forgiveness: of your failures, your mistakes, your times of missing the target, your errors, and your sins – and then you will proceed receiving and continue taking in hand the free gift (the gratuity) of the Set-apart Breath-effect (or: which is the Holy Spirit; or: which has its source in and the character of the Sacred Attitude). 39 "For you see, the promise is (continuously exists being) to and for (and in?) you folks, as well as to (for; in?) your children – even to and for (and in?) all people: to and for (and in?) the folks [being] a long way off – in such an amount as [the] Lord [= Yahweh] our God would call to [Himself]!" 40 Besides [this], he gave full testimony, completely laying out the facts of the case, with different thoughts and ideas, and by many more words. Then he kept on calling one after another to his side, repeatedly urging, encouraging and admonishing them, while saying, "You folks can be rescued and kept safe, away from this generation which has become warped and crooked from drying out (or, as an imperative: Be restored to health and wholeness – be at once saved – as you are separated from this perverse generation)!" 41 Therefore the people who indeed, as it were with their hands, took away and fully received, welcomed and embraced his word (his idea; his message) were at some point immersed (baptized). And so on (or: during) that day about three thousand souls (= people) were added [to the group and community] (or: were placed and set toward [the goal]). 42 So they were continuing strongly focused toward and persevering in and by, while devoting themselves to, the teaching of the sent-forth folks (the emissaries; the representatives) and to the common existence and in the common being, to sharing, partnering, contributing and in the participation in the breaking of the loaves of bread (= eating meals), as well as to, in and by the thoughts, words and deeds that were focused toward having goodness, ease and well-being (or: prayers). 43 Now reverence, awe, respect and fear began to be birthed in every soul (or: continued coming to be on every person), and many miracles (or: portents; omens) and signs began occurring through the sent-forth folks (the emissaries; the representatives). 44 So all the folks continuing in trusting and believing were at the same [place], and they continued having and holding all things in common and with joint-participation (in a fellowship of partnership). 45 Furthermore, they began, and from time to time continued, selling (disposing of) the possessions and acquisitions, as well at the properties and things that support their existence, and then were thoroughly dividing and distributing them to everyone – in correspondence to anyone who would continue having a need. 46 Not only daily continuing strongly focused and persevering while devoting themselves in like passion and with one accord within the Temple courts and grounds, but also regularly breaking bread (= having meals) from house to house (or: home by home; or: in accord with [their] homes), they were sharing and partaking together of food (nourishment) in the midst of great rejoicing and with the evenness and smoothness of a heart without a stone, 47 constantly praising God and habitually having grace facing, and holding favor toward, the whole People. Now the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] kept on adding and placing toward [the goal] the folks being from day to day rescued (saved; delivered; made whole; restored to their original state and condition), at the same [place and time] [other MSS add: within the called-out community].