1 Later, during the progression for the day of Pentecost (= Feast of the harvest; = the Festival of Weeks) to be filled together unto its full measure, they were all in the same place, at the same time, [and focused] on the same thing.
2 Then suddenly and unexpectedly there came to be (or: was birthed) from out of the midst of the atmosphere (or: sky; heaven) a roaring noise (or: sound) as of a continued rushing and driving of a violent wind (or: exactly like a continual carrying of a forcible breath), and it filled (pervaded; permeated; saturated) the whole house where they were sitting.
3 Then progressively dividing and self-distributing tongues – as if of fire – were seen by them, and He (or: it; or: [one]) sat down upon each one of them.
4 And then they all were filled with [the] Consecrated Breath-effect (or: [the] Holy Spirit; or: a set-apart attitude), and they started (or: began) to continuously (or: repeatedly) speak in different tongues (= languages) – accordingly and correspondingly as the Breath-effect (or: the Spirit; the Attitude) kept on giving (or: granting) to them to be continuously (or: intermittently) uttering loudly and clearly.
5 Now there were Jews permanently residing (continuously housed-down; or, perhaps: staying) in Jerusalem – well-received adult men who take hold well [on things] (or: pious, reverent and circumspect adult males; or: cautious husbands) from every nation and ethnic group under the sky (or: heaven).
6 But upon the occurring of this sound, the multitude came together and were mingled with perplexity, bewilderment and confusion – because each one of them kept on listening and heard [the disciples] continually (or: repeatedly) speaking in his own language and dialect.
7 So they all began being put out of place (or: set out of themselves) with amazement, and continued being caused to wonder with admiration and astonishment – one after another saying, "Look, and think about it (or: See here)! All these folks who are presently speaking are Galileans, are they not?
8 "And so how are we ourselves now hearing – each one of us – in his own language and dialect, [the one] in which we were born?
9 " [There are] Parthians, Medes and Elamites [= portions of the Persian empire]; even folks presently dwelling in Mesopotamia... both Judea, as well as Cappadocia... Pontus, as well as Asia [= principally the kingdom of Pergamus, including Lydia, Mysia, Caria and Phrygia],
10 "both Phrygia and Pamphylia; Egypt and the parts of Libya which is down toward Cyrene, as well as the temporary residents from Rome (or: the repatriated Romans); both Jews and proselytes (converts to Judaism), Cretans and Arabians (or: Arabs) –
11 "we continue hearing their speaking the magnificent things of God (or: God's great deeds) in our own tongues (= languages)!"
12 So they all continued being put out of place (or: set out of themselves) with amazement and were bewildered (or: perplexed), [some] saying one to another, "What is this now purposing (or: intending; resolving) to be?"
13 Yet folks of a different class, while thoroughly joking, jesting and taunting, began to say, "They are folks having been filled full (glutted; tanked; are brimful) of sweet wine (or: musk)."