1 Now there were prophets (folks who had light ahead of time and spoke it before folks) and teachers within the midst of Antioch, down in (or: corresponding to; or: to accord with) the called-out community currently being [there]: both Barnabas and Simeon – the one normally being called " [the] Black" (or: Niger) – as well as Lucius, the man from Cyrene (a Greek colony in north Africa; or: Cyrenian, being the name of another man there), and Manaen (or: Manahen) – a person who was brought up with (or: a foster brother of; a childhood companion of; one educated and nurtured with) Herod, the tetrarch (provincial or district ruler) – and Saul.
2 So, in the midst of their continually doing public work (service for the people) for (or: in; to; by; with) the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh], as well as periodically fasting, the set-apart Breath-effect (or: the Holy Spirit) said, "Now therefore, you folks section off (mark off boundaries so as to define) Barnabas and Saul – to (or: for; by; in; with) Me – into the work toward which I Myself have called (or: summoned) them."
3 At that time then, after fasting and praying (speaking and thinking toward things going well), and then placing their hands on (or: to) them, they loosed [them] away (disbanded and released [them]).
4 They themselves indeed therefore – being sent out from the midst by the set-apart Breath-effect (or: under the Holy Spirit) – went down into Seleucia. Then from there, they sailed away unto Cyprus.
5 And so, upon coming to be in Salamis, they began bringing God's Logos down (or: thoroughly announcing the message and proclaiming God's Word, Idea and thought; [note: the prophets brought the Word of God down from heaven, and to the people]) within the synagogues of the Jews. Now they also continued having John [as] an attendant ("under-rower;" = for support and assistance).
6 Now after going through the whole island up to Paphos, they found a certain man – a magus [note: originally of the Persians, Medes and Babylonians as priests and wise men, magi specialized in the study of astrology and enchantment and were often employed as official spiritual advisers; some were sorcerers] [and] a false prophet – a Jew named Bar-Jesus (son of Jesus),
7 who was in association with the proconsul (= regional governor under the control of the Roman senate) Sergius Paulus – an intellectual and intelligent man. This man, having called to himself Barnabas and Saul, earnestly sought to hear God's Logos (the Word of God; the thought, idea, reason and verbal expression which came from, had the characteristic of, and was God; the message from God).
8 But Elymas (Arabic meaning: the wise one), the magus – for in this way is his name being normally translated and interpreted – kept on standing in face-to-face opposition to them, repeatedly seeking to twist in two and thoroughly turn the proconsul away from the faith.
9 Yet Saul – the [same] man also [being] Paul – being filled full of set-apart Breath-effect (or: being filled with [the] Holy Spirit), after staring intently into him, said,
10 "O you son of an adversary (of one who throws something through another person; = one who has the character and qualities of a devil), all full of fish-bait (or: filled with every fraud and deceit) and every thing that is done adroitly and with ease (knavish schemes and roguish tricks) – enemy of all fairness, equity, rightwised behavior and just relationships which constitute the Way pointed out (= covenant principles)! You will not of yourself cease thoroughly perverting and twisting in two (or: distorting) the straight ways and paths of [the] Lord [= Yahweh, or, Christ],
11 "and so at this moment, look and consider: [the] hand of [the] Lord [is] upon you, and you will proceed being a blind man, not seeing the sun – until an appointed season, and a fitting situation!" So instantly, and from the necessary [situation], a thick mist (also: a medical term for a failure of sight) and darkness (obscure dimness and shadowed gloom) fell upon him, and then, continuously going around, he kept seeking people to lead him by the hand.
12 At that point the proconsul, having seen what had happened, at once believed and is trusting – being progressively struck out the midst of himself (or: = struck out of his [wits]), and astounded, upon (or: at) the Lord's [= Christ's or Yahweh's] teaching (or: teaching about the Lord).
13 Now having been led back up [upon the sea] away from Paphos, they – around Paul – came into Perga of Pamphylia. Yet John, withdrawing from them and departing, returned unto Jerusalem.
14 They themselves, however, after passing on through from Perga came along unto the Pisidian Antioch. Then having gone into the synagogue on the day of the sabbaths, they sat down.