Acts 11:22-24

JMNT(i) 22 Now the account concerning them was heard in the ears of the called-out community then being in Jerusalem, and those folks sent forth Barnabas, out on an errand, all the way to Antioch, 23 who, upon coming to be at [their] side and seeing the grace and favor – that which has its source in God, and which has the qualities and characteristics of God, and which in fact is God – at once rejoiced and began calling everyone to his side so that he could assist and encourage them to habitually remain oriented to and focused in the Lord [= Christ and Yahweh] – with (or: by) the plan and purpose of the heart! 24 Because you see, he was a man [that was] good (virtuous; having quality) and [was] full of set-apart Breath-effect (or: [the] Holy Spirit), and faith (trust; conviction; loyalty). And thus, a considerable crowd was set toward (or: added to) the Lord.