1 There were in the congregacyon that is at Antioche, certayn prophtes, and teachers: as Barnabas and Simon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cerene and Manahen, Herode the Tetrarkes norsfelow, and Saul.
2 As they ministred to the Lorde and fasted, the holy ghost saide: separate me Barnabas and Saul, for the worcke wherunto I haue called them.
3 And whan they had fasted and prayed, and layde their handes on them, they let them go.
4 And they after they were sent forth of the holy ghost, departed vnto Seleutia, & from thence they sayled to Ciprus.
5 And when they were at Salamine, they shewed the word of God in the sinagoges of the Iewes. And they had Iohn to theyr minyster.
6 When they had gone thorow the yle vnto Paphos, they founde a certayne sorcerer, (a false prophet, a Iewe) whose name was Bariesu,
7 which was with the ruler of the countre one Sergius Paulus a prudent man. The same ruler called vnto hym Barnabas and Saul, and desyred to heare the worde of God.
8 But Elymas the sorcerar (for so is hys name by interpretacion) with stode them, and sought to turne awaye the ruler from the faith.
9 Then Saul (which also is called Paul) beynge full of the holy ghost, set hys eyes on him,
10 and sayde. O full of all suttelty and disseytfulnesse, thou chylde of the deuyll, thou enemy of all righteousnes: wilt thou not cease to peruerte the strayght wayes of the Lorde?
11 And now beholde, the hande of the Lorde is vpon the, and thou shalt be blynde, and not se the sunne for a ceason. And immediatly, there fell on hym a myste and a darcknes, and he went about, sekynge them that shuld leade hym by the hande.
12 Then the rular when he sawe what had happened beleued, & wondred at the doctryne of the Lorde.
13 When Paul departed from Paphos, they that were with him, came to Perga in Pamphilia: and Iohn departed from them, and returned to Ierusalem.
14 But they wandred thorow the countres, and came from Perga to Antioche in Pisidia, and wente into the synagoge on the saboth daye, and sate downe.