2 Samuel 19:5-7

Great(i) 5 And Ioab came into the house to the kynge, and sayde: thou hast shamed this daye the faces of all thy seruauntes, which this daye haue saued thy lyfe, and the lyues of thy sonnes and of thy daughters, & the lyues of thy wiues, and of thy concubynes, 6 in that thou louest thyne enemyes, and hatest thy frendes. For thou hast declared thys daye, that thou regardest nether thy Lordes nor seruauntes. And this daye I do perceaue, that yf Absalom had lyued, & all we had dyed this daye, that had pleased the well. 7 Nowe therfore vp, and come out, and speake kyndely vnto thy seruauntes: For I swere by the Lorde, except thou come out, there will not tarye one man with the thys nyght. And that wilbe worsse vnto the, then all the euell that fell on the from thy youth vnto thys houre.