2 Chronicles 35:20-23

Great(i) 20 After all thys, when Iosia had prepared the temple, Necho kyng of Egypt came vp to fyght agaynst Carcamis besyde Euphrates, and Iosia went out agaynst hym: 21 whych sent messengers to hym, & sayd: what haue I to do wyth the thou kynge of Iuda? Be not thou agaynst thy self this daye: For my warre is agaynst another house, & God bade me make hast. Leaue of therfore & medle not with God whych is wyth me, least he destroye the. 22 Neuerthelesse, Iosia wolde not turne hys face from hym, but rather toke aduyse to fyght with him, and herkened not vnto the wordes of Necho out of the mouth of God, and came to fyght in the valeye of Magedo, 23 & the shoters shott dartes at kyng Iosia. And the kyng sayd to his seruauntes: carye me awaye, for I am sore wounded.