8 But meate maketh not vs acceptable to God, for neither if we eate, haue we the more: neither if we eate not, haue we the lesse.
9 But take heede lest by any meanes this power of yours be an occasion of falling, to them that are weake.
10 For if any man see thee which hast knowledge, sit at table in the idoles temple, shall not the conscience of him which is weake, be boldened to eate those things which are sacrificed to idoles?
11 And through thy knowledge shall the weake brother perish, for whome Christ died.
12 Nowe when ye sinne so against the brethren, and wound their weake conscience, ye sinne against Christ.
13 Wherefore if meate offende my brother, I wil eate no flesh while the world standeth, that I may not offend my brother.