Matthew 6:25-32

ECB(i) 25 So I word to you, neither be anxious for your soul - what you eat or what you drink; nor yet for your body - what you endue. Is not indeed the soul much more than nourishment? And the body than enduement? 26 Look at the flyers of the heavens: for they neither spore nor harvest nor gather together into granaries; yet your Father of the heavenlies nourishes them. Surpass you not them? 27 Who of you, by anxiety, is able to add one cubit to his maturity? 28 And why be anxious about enduement? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither labor nor spin: 29 and yet I word to you, that even Shelomoh in all his glory arrayed not as one of these. 30 But if Elohim thus clothes the herbage of the field - which today is, and tomorrow cast into the oven - how not much more You, O you of little trust? 31 So be not anxious, wording, What eat we? or, What drink we? or, With what array we? 32 For the goyim seek after all these: for your Father of the heavenlies knows you need all these.