25 Therfore I saye vnto you: be not carefull for youre lyfe, what ye shall eate or drincke, nor yet for youre bodye, what rayment ye shall put on. Is not the lyfe more worth then meat: and the body more of value then rayment?
26 Behold, the foules of the ayer: for they sowe not, nether do they reape, nor cary into the barnes: and youre heuenly father fedeth them. Are ye not moch better then they?
27 Whych of you (by takynge carefull thought) can adde one cubyte vnto hys stature?
28 And why care ye for rayment? Consydre the lylies of the felde, how they growe. They laboure not, nether do they spynne.
29 And yet I saye vnto you, that euen Salomon in all hys royalte was not arayed lyke one of these.
30 Wherfore, yf God so cloth the grasse of the felde (which though it stande to daye, is to morow cast into the fornasse) shall he not moch more do the same for you, O ye of lytle fayth?
31 Therfore, take no thought, saying: what shall we eate, or what shall we dryncke, or wherwith shall we be clothed?
32 after all these thynges do the gentyls seke. For youre heuenly father knoweth, that ye haue nede of all these thynges.