Matthew 25:34-40

ECB(i) 34 Then the sovereign says to them at his right, Come, you eulogized of my Father, inherit the sovereigndom prepared for you from the foundation of the cosmos: 35 for I famished, and you gave me eats; I thirsted, and you gave me drink; a stranger, and you gathered me in; 36 naked, and you arrayed me; frail, and you visited me; in a guardhouse, and you came to me. 37 Then the just answer him, wording, Adonay, When saw we you famishing, and nourished you? Or thirsting, and gave you drink? 38 When saw we you a stranger, and gathered you in? Or naked, and arrayed you? 39 Or when saw we you frail? Or in a guardhouse, and came to you? 40 And the sovereign answers them, saying, Amen! I word to you, As you did to one of the least of these my brothers, you did to me.