Matthew 22:23-32

ECB(i) 23
The same day the Sadoqiym come to him - who word that there is no resurrection, and ask him, 24 wording, Doctor, Mosheh says, Whenever anyone dies, having no children, his brother marries his woman and raises sperma to his brother: 25 and there are seven brothers with us: and the first, marries and dies; and having no sperma, forsakes his woman to his brother: 26 likewise the second also and the third, to the seventh: 27 and afterward the woman also dies. Genesis 38:8-10 28 So in the resurrection, of the seven, whose woman becomes she? - for they all had her. 29 Yah Shua answers them, saying, You wander, neither knowing the scriptures nor the dynamis of Elohim: 30 for in the resurrection they neither marry nor are married off; but are as the angels of Elohim in the heavens. 31 But concerning the resurrection of the dead: Read you not what Elohim rhetorized, wording, 32 I AM the Elohim of Abraham and the Elohim of Yischaq and the Elohim of Yaaqov? Elohim is not the Elohim of the dead; but of the living.