Matthew 19:1-12

ECB(i) 1 And so be it, Yah Shua completes/shalams these words, and departs from Galiyl and goes to the boundaries of Yah Hudah beyond Yarden; 2 and vast multitudes follow him; and he cures them there. 3
The Pharisees also come to him, testing him and wording to him, Is a human allowed to release his woman for every cause? 4 And he answers them, saying, Read you not that he who created at the beginning created them male and female, 5 and said, For this cause a human leaves father and mother and adheres to his woman: and they two become one flesh? 6 So they are no more two - yet one flesh. So what Elohim co-yokes, humanity is not to separate. 7 They word to him, So why misvahed Mosheh to give a scroll of apostasy to release her? 8 He words to them, Because of your hard heartedness, Mosheh allowed you to release your women: but from the beginning it was not thus. 9 And I word to you, Whoever releases his woman - except for whoredom and marries another, adulterizes: and whoever marries her who is released, adulterizes. 10 His disciples word to him, If the case of the human with the woman is thus, it is not beneficial to marry. 11 But he says to them, All cannot accept this word - rather they to whom it is given. 12
For there are eunuchs thus birthed from the womb of their mother: and there are eunuchs eunuchized by humanity: and there are eunuchs eunuchized by themselves for sake of the sovereigndom of the heavens. Whoever is able to accept, accept.