Matthew 19:1-12

Great(i) 1 And it came to passe that when Iesus had fynisshed these sayinges, he gat hym from Galile, & came into the coastes of Iewry beyonde Iordan, 2 & moche people folowed hym, & he healed them there. 3 The Pharises also came vnto him temptinge him, & saying vnto him: Is it lawfull for a man to make a deuorcement wt his wyfe for any maner of cause? 4 He answered & sayd vnto them: Haue ye not red, how that he which made man at the begynnynge made them man & woman: 5 & sayd, for thys cause shall a man leaue father & mother, & shall cleue vnto hys wyfe, & they twayne shalbe one flesshe. 6 Wherfore now, they are not twayne, but one flesshe. Let not man therfore put a sunder, that whych God hath coupled together. 7 They saye vnto hym: why dyd Moses then commaunde to geue a testimoniall of dyuorsement, & to put her awaye? 8 He sayde vnto them: Moses (because of the hardnes of youre hertes) suffered you to put awaye youre wyfes: But from the beginnyng it was not so. 9 I saye vnto you: whosoeuer putteth awaye his wyfe (except it be for fornicacion) & marieth another, breaketh wedlocke. And whoso marieth her whych is deuorsed, doeth commyt aduoutry. 10 Hys disciples saye vnto him: yf the mater be so betwene man & wyfe, then is it not good to mary. 11 He sayd vnto them: all men cannot comprehend this saying saue they to whom it is geuen: 12 for ther are some chaste whych are so borne out of their mothers wombe. And ther are some chaste, which be made chaste of men. And ther be chaste, which haue made them selues chaste for the kyngdome of heuens sake. He that can comprehende it, let him comprehend it.