And so be it, on one of those days, as he doctrinates the people in the priestal precinct and evangelizes, the archpriests and the scribes stand by him with the elders, 2 and say to him, wording, Say to us, By what authority do you these? Or who gave you this authority? 3 And he answers them, saying, I also ask you one word; and you say to me: 4 The baptism of Yahn - is it from the heavens, or of humanity? 5 And they reckon with themselves, wording, Whenever we say, From the heavens; he says, So why trust you him not? 6 But when ever we say, Of humanity; all the people stone us: for they are convinced that Yahn is a prophet. 7 - and they answer that they know not whence it is. 8 And Yah Shua says to them, Neither word I you by what authority I do these. 9
And he begins to word this parable to the people; A human plants a vineyard and leases it to cultivators and goes abroad for an ample time: 10 and at the season he apostolizes a servant to the cultivators to give him of the fruit of the vineyard; but the cultivators flog him and apostolize him forth empty: 11 and again he adds to send another servant; and they also flog him and dishonor him and apostolize him empty: 12 and again he adds to send a third; and they also traumatize him and cast him. 13 And the adoni of the vineyard says, What do I? I send my beloved son: perhaps they respect him when they see him. 14 But the cultivators see him, and they reason among themselves, wording, This is the heir: come, we slaughter him, that the inheritance be ours. 15 - so they cast him from the vineyard and slaughter him. So what is the adoni of the vineyard to do to them? 16 He comes and destroys these cultivators and gives the vineyard to others. - and they hear; and they say, So be it not. 17 And he looks at them, and says, So what is this that is scribed, The stone the builders dissapproved, this becomes the head of the corner? 18 Whoever falls upon that stone is crushed; and on whomever it falls is pulverized. Psalm 118:22, 23 19 And the same hour the archpriests and the scribes seek to lay hands on him; and they awe the people: for they know he says this parable against them. 20
And they observe him, and apostolize liars in waiting who hypocrize themselves as just men; to take hold of his words and to betray him to the hierarchy and authority of the governor. 21 And they ask him, wording, Doctor, we know that you word and doctrinate straightforwardly, and you take not the face, but doctrinate the way of Elohim in truth: 22 Are we allowed to give tribute to the Kaisar? Or no? 23 But he perceives their cunning and says to them, Why test you me? 24 Show me a denarion. Whose icon and epigraph has it? They answer, saying, Of the Kaisar. 25 And he says to them, So give that of the Kaisar to the Kaisar and that of Elohim to Elohim. 26 And they cannot take hold of his rhema in front of the people: and they marvel at his answer and hush. 27
And some of the Sadoqiym come - who contradict that there is any resurrection; and they ask him, 28 wording, Doctor, Mosheh scribed to us, Whenever the brother of anyone dies, having a woman, and he dies childless, his brother takes his woman, and raises sperma to his brother: 29 so there are seven brothers: and the first takes a woman, and dies childless: 30 and the second takes her to woman, and he dies childless: 31 and the third takes her - and in like manner, also the seven: and they leave no children, and die: 32 afterward the woman also dies: 33 so in the resurrection, whose woman becomes she - for seven had her to woman? 34 And Yah Shua answers them, saying, The sons of this eon marry and are married off: 35 but they who are accounted worthy to obtain that eon, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are married off: 36 neither indeed can they even die: for they are equal to the angels - and are the sons of Elohim, being the sons of the resurrection. 37 But that the dead are raised, even Mosheh disclosed at the brier, when he worded Yah Veh is the Elohim of Abraham and the Elohim of Yischaq and the Elohim of Yaaqov. Exodus 3:1- 6 38 For he is not Elohim of the dead, but of the living: for all live to him. 39 Some of the scribes answer, saying, Doctor, you say well. 40 - and yet they dare no more to ask him any question at all. 41
And he says to them, How word they that the Messiah is the son of David? 42 And David himself words in the scroll of Psalms, An oracle of Yah Veh to my Adonay, Sit you at my right 43 until I place your enemies the stool of your feet. Psalm 110:1 44 So David called him Adonay: So how is he his son? 45 And in the hearing of all the people he says to his disciples, 46 Heed the scribes who will to walk in stoles and befriend salutations in the markets and the preeminent cathedras in the synagogues and the preeminent recliners at suppers; 47 who devour houses of widows and for a pretext make far out prayers: these take more superabundant judgment.
And so be it, on one of those days, as he doctrinates the people in the priestal precinct and evangelizes, the archpriests and the scribes stand by him with the elders, 2 and say to him, wording, Say to us, By what authority do you these? Or who gave you this authority? 3 And he answers them, saying, I also ask you one word; and you say to me: 4 The baptism of Yahn - is it from the heavens, or of humanity? 5 And they reckon with themselves, wording, Whenever we say, From the heavens; he says, So why trust you him not? 6 But when ever we say, Of humanity; all the people stone us: for they are convinced that Yahn is a prophet. 7 - and they answer that they know not whence it is. 8 And Yah Shua says to them, Neither word I you by what authority I do these. 9
And he begins to word this parable to the people; A human plants a vineyard and leases it to cultivators and goes abroad for an ample time: 10 and at the season he apostolizes a servant to the cultivators to give him of the fruit of the vineyard; but the cultivators flog him and apostolize him forth empty: 11 and again he adds to send another servant; and they also flog him and dishonor him and apostolize him empty: 12 and again he adds to send a third; and they also traumatize him and cast him. 13 And the adoni of the vineyard says, What do I? I send my beloved son: perhaps they respect him when they see him. 14 But the cultivators see him, and they reason among themselves, wording, This is the heir: come, we slaughter him, that the inheritance be ours. 15 - so they cast him from the vineyard and slaughter him. So what is the adoni of the vineyard to do to them? 16 He comes and destroys these cultivators and gives the vineyard to others. - and they hear; and they say, So be it not. 17 And he looks at them, and says, So what is this that is scribed, The stone the builders dissapproved, this becomes the head of the corner? 18 Whoever falls upon that stone is crushed; and on whomever it falls is pulverized. Psalm 118:22, 23 19 And the same hour the archpriests and the scribes seek to lay hands on him; and they awe the people: for they know he says this parable against them. 20
And they observe him, and apostolize liars in waiting who hypocrize themselves as just men; to take hold of his words and to betray him to the hierarchy and authority of the governor. 21 And they ask him, wording, Doctor, we know that you word and doctrinate straightforwardly, and you take not the face, but doctrinate the way of Elohim in truth: 22 Are we allowed to give tribute to the Kaisar? Or no? 23 But he perceives their cunning and says to them, Why test you me? 24 Show me a denarion. Whose icon and epigraph has it? They answer, saying, Of the Kaisar. 25 And he says to them, So give that of the Kaisar to the Kaisar and that of Elohim to Elohim. 26 And they cannot take hold of his rhema in front of the people: and they marvel at his answer and hush. 27
And some of the Sadoqiym come - who contradict that there is any resurrection; and they ask him, 28 wording, Doctor, Mosheh scribed to us, Whenever the brother of anyone dies, having a woman, and he dies childless, his brother takes his woman, and raises sperma to his brother: 29 so there are seven brothers: and the first takes a woman, and dies childless: 30 and the second takes her to woman, and he dies childless: 31 and the third takes her - and in like manner, also the seven: and they leave no children, and die: 32 afterward the woman also dies: 33 so in the resurrection, whose woman becomes she - for seven had her to woman? 34 And Yah Shua answers them, saying, The sons of this eon marry and are married off: 35 but they who are accounted worthy to obtain that eon, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are married off: 36 neither indeed can they even die: for they are equal to the angels - and are the sons of Elohim, being the sons of the resurrection. 37 But that the dead are raised, even Mosheh disclosed at the brier, when he worded Yah Veh is the Elohim of Abraham and the Elohim of Yischaq and the Elohim of Yaaqov. Exodus 3:1- 6 38 For he is not Elohim of the dead, but of the living: for all live to him. 39 Some of the scribes answer, saying, Doctor, you say well. 40 - and yet they dare no more to ask him any question at all. 41
And he says to them, How word they that the Messiah is the son of David? 42 And David himself words in the scroll of Psalms, An oracle of Yah Veh to my Adonay, Sit you at my right 43 until I place your enemies the stool of your feet. Psalm 110:1 44 So David called him Adonay: So how is he his son? 45 And in the hearing of all the people he says to his disciples, 46 Heed the scribes who will to walk in stoles and befriend salutations in the markets and the preeminent cathedras in the synagogues and the preeminent recliners at suppers; 47 who devour houses of widows and for a pretext make far out prayers: these take more superabundant judgment.