John 12:2-8

ECB(i) 2 They make him a supper there; and Martha ministers: and El Azar is one of them reposing with him. 3 So Miryam takes a litra of myrrh of nard - trustworthy and vastly precious and anoints the feet of Yah Shua and squeezedries his feet with her hair: and the house fills with the fragrance of the myrrh. 4 So one of his disciples words - Yah Hudah the urbanite of Shimon who is to betray him, 5 Why was not this myrrh sold for three hundred denarion and given to the poor? 6 - he says this, not that he is concerned for the poor; but because he is a thief and has the bag and bears what is put therein. 7 So Yah Shua says, Allow her: she guards this to the day of my embalming: 8 for you have the poor with you always; but me you have not always.