9 and all the people knew - Ephrayim and the settler of Shomeron, saying, in the pomp and greatness of heart,
10 The bricks fall, and we build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down, and we change them into cedars:
11 and Yah Veh lofts the tribulators of Resin against him and covers his enemies
12 - the Aramiym in front and the Peleshethiym behind; and they devour Yisra El with open mouth. For all this, he turns not his wrath and still spreads his hand:
13 and the people neither turn to him who smites them, nor seek they Yah Veh Sabaoth:
14 and Yah Veh cuts off from Yisra El head and tail, palm leaf and rush, in one day.
15 The elder and lifted face, he is the head; and the prophet teaching falsehood, he is the tail.
16 For this people who blithe them cause them to stray; and the blithed are swallowed.
17 So Adonay neither cheers in their youths, nor mercies their orphans and widows: for every one is a profaner and a vilifier and every mouth words folly. For all this he turns not away his wrath and still spreads his hand.
18 For wickedness burns as the fire consuming the briers and thorns; kindling in the thickets of the forest; spiraling upward as the rising of smoke.
19 Through the wrath of Yah Veh Sabaoth the land burns, and the people are as the fuel of the fire: no man spares his brother.
20 And on the right, he cuts and famishes; and on the left, he eats and satiates not: every man eats the flesh of his own arm
21 - Menash Sheh, Ephrayim; and Ephrayim, Menash Sheh: and together they are against Yah Hudah. For all this he turns not away his wrath, and still spreads his hand.