Matthew 13:2-9

Coverdale(i) 2 & moch people resorted vnto him: so yt he wete in to a shyppe and satt him downe, and all the people stode vpo the shore. 3 And he spake many thinges vnto the in symilitudes, sayenge: Beholde, The sower wente forth to sowe: 4 and as he sowed, some fell by the waye syde: Then came the foules, & ate it vp. 5 Some fell vpon stony grounde, & anone it spronge vp, because it had no depth of earth: 6 But whan the Sonne arose, it caught heate: and for so moch as it had no rote, it withred awaye. 7 Some fell amoge the thornes, & the thornes grewe vp, and choked it. 8 Some fell vpo good groude, & gaue frute: some an hundreth folde, some sixtie folde, some thirtie folde. 9 Who so hath eares to heare, let hi heare.