16 After a litle whyle, and ye shal not se me: and agayne after a litle whyle, and ye shal se me: for I go to the father.
17 The saide some of his disciples amonge themselues: What is this that he sayeth vnto vs, After a litle whyle, and ye shal not se me: & agayne after a litle whyle, & ye shal se me: for I go to the father?
18 Then sayde they: What is this, that he sayeth: After a litle whyle? We can not tell what he sayeth.
19 Then perceaued Iesus that they wolde axe him, and he sayde vnto them: Ye enquyre of this amonge youre selues, that I sayde: After a litle whyle, and ye shal not se me: & agayne after a litle whyle, and ye shal se me.
20 Verely verely I saye vnto you: Ye shal wepe and lamente, but the worlde shal reioyse: Ye shal be sory, but youre sorowe shal be turned in to ioye.
21 A woman whan she trauayleth, hath sorowe, for hir houre is come. But whan she is delyuered of the childe, she thinketh nomore of the anguyshe, for ioye that a man is borne in to the worlde.
22 And now haue ye sorowe also: but I wil se you agayne, and youre hert shal reioyse, and youre ioye shal noman take from you.