John 20:19-29

Coverdale(i) 19 The same Sabbath at eue wha ye disciples were gathered together, and the dores were shut for feare of ye Iewes, came Iesus, and stode i ye myddes, & sayde vnto the: Peace be wt you. 20 And wha he had so sayde, he shewed the his hades & his syde. The were ye disciples glad, yt they sawe ye LORDE. 21 The sayde Iesus vnto the agayne: Peace be with you. Like as my father sent me, eue so sede I you. 22 And whan he had sayde yt, he brethed vpo the, and sayde vnto the: Receaue the holy goost. 23 Whose synnes soeuer ye remytte, they are remytted vnto the: and whose synnes so euer ye retayne, they are retayned. 24 But Thomas one of the twolue which is called Didimus, was not wt the wha Iesus came. 25 The sayde the other disciples vnto him: We haue sene the LORDE. But he sayde vnto the: Excepte I se in his handes the prynte of the nales, and put my hade in to his syde, I wil not beleue. 26 And after eight dayes agayne were his disciples with in, & Thomas wt the. The came Iesus (wha ye dores were shutt) & stode in the myddes, & sayde: Peace be wt you. 27 After yt sayde he vnto Thomas: Reach hither yi fynger, and se my handes, and reach hither yi hade, & put it i to my syde, & be not faithlesse, but beleue. 28 Thomas answered, & sayde vnto him: My LORDE, and my God. 29 Iesus sayde vnto him: Thomas, because thou hast sene me, thou hast beleued. Blessed are they, that se not, and yet beleue.